According to a survey conducted by the Social Changes studio commissioned by, Law and Justice is slowly making up for the losses of mid-February. One of the MPs of this party - provoked by vulgar shouts - showed the politicians of the opposition a gesture considered vulgar, which was widely reflected in the media.
The Civic Coalition (Koalicja Obywatelska) neither gains nor loses. The Polish People’s Party loses points.
In our survey, 41% of the decided voters declared their willingness to vote for Jarosław Kaczynski’s party, which means that PiS (Prawo i Sprawidliwość) gained 2 percentage points in comparison to the previous survey.
The Civic Coalition enjoys the support of 25% of respondents - exactly the same number as in the previous survey.
The support for the Nowa Lewica (SLD, Wiosna, Razem) remains unchanged - 16%.
Konfederacja was chosen by 9% of respondents - a result identical to that of a week ago.
The Polish People’s Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) was chosen by 8% of respondents - 3 points less than previously.
Tłum. K.J.
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