"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
This propaganda was taken even further, making the disclosure of the Katyn Massacre serve as a pretext to sever relations with our state.
This is our wreck. See unknown photos. "This is all that remains of the machine which crashed in Smolensk on 10 April 2010"
…“We are making many efforts of which we definitely would not want to speak aloud yet. The matter is too delicate to publicise.
Poles in favor of LGBT partnerships? No, it's not true! Is anyone trying to manipulate society and politicians? IMPORTANT research!
It could even be counterproductive: a wave of solidarity with the insulted and the beaten, and that in society as a whole — wrote the newspaper, making aggressive homosexual activists into victims, and…
Difficult days for Michnik. The head of the "GW" lost his temper. Radziejewski: "Having become furious, he publicly accused me of lying".
By the way, to see the legend of the Polish transformation, once a titan shaking Poland and probably making most right-wing intellectuals feel like an oppressive mania, as a fury throwing powerless blasphemies…
In the latest issue of "Sieci”: So different and so much alike
…take over power and, consequently, responsibility for the bankruptcy of its opponents’ policies, but to ensure control that would destroy their authoritarian plans” - he wrote in „Rzeczpospolita”, making…
Polish Air Force Service Helping to unload the European sky
Since - as he said - the airlines were loss-making in this respect, and above all the problem affected passengers, it was PAZP that took over from 100 to 150 operations from German space on a daily basis…
"Dlaczego nie pojadą do swoich krajów?". Trump znów szokuje na Twitterze i rozgrywa skłóconych Demokratów
Czytam właśnie książke Kayleigh McEnany “The New American Revolution: The Making of a Populist Movement”, gdzie autorka opisuje jak Trump doskonale odczytuje nastroje zmęczonych poprawnością polityczną…
The premiere of Unconquered: Trying Times. It is worth seeing. VIDEO
Unconquered: Trying Times, an animated short released by Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance, shows the making of the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939).
Liberals in Poland are threatening conservative journalists. "Imprisonment for up to 3 years”
Representatives of the opposition are still living their dreams of making conservative journalists and politicians of the Law and Justice party accountable after winning the parliamentary elections in…
Prime Minister: It is crucial for Europe to re-emerge as the leader in advanced technologies
Among these challenges, he included making necessary preparations for a no-deal Brexit scenario, EU’s expansion to the Western Balkans and preservation of transatlantic relations.
UJAWNIAMY. Soros, śmietanka III RP i międzynarodowa finansjera. Współautor koncepcji decentralizacji państwa uaktywnił się już w grudniu 2015 r.
…„Free Market in Its Twenties: Modern Business Decision Making in Central and Eastern Europe”.
Jacek Karnowski: Whoever in Poland is fighting against God, loses [COMMENTARY]
It was actually the main focus of the opposition campaign, divided into many voices and individual actions (profanations, making an anti-church atmosphere, a famous film, announcements of changes in the…
Every fifth diocesan priest in Poland was murdered. The Day of Martyrdom of the Polish Clergy
The surviving priests from Poland had been fulfilling their vows until the end of their lives and were making a pilgrimage to Kalisz, thanking for their salvation.
Survivor Edward Mosberg awarded Order of Merit from Poland. "What happened to the Jews is German history. You can't blame Poland for that!"
We are grateful to Poland for making it possible for the Jews coming from all over the world to have this place here where they can stop and pray he emphasized.
SDP's strong position on the assessment of the state of media freedom in Poland: The decline in the ranking is incomprehensible and unjustified
In addition, the representatives of Reporters Without Borders stated that there is nothing to stop the current authorities in our country from making the media Polish once again, but it has not been clarified…
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
…specific character of the security and defence policy of any of the Members, in the spirit of openness and transparency, and in full respect of the principles of inclusiveness, reciprocity and decision-making…
Cardinal Dziwisz recalls John Paul II: He was never neglecting evil, nor was he ever hiding it
He was in charge of the Church, always reacting, making decisions, guided by conscience and absolute commitment to the Gospel — said on the 14th anniversary of the Pope’s death his longstanding personal…
No one in Civic Platform misses Tusk anymore, and he himself is trying to get another job in the EU? Interesting findings of “Polska the Times”
…he is reminding Polish voters of himself and has a vision of a civic movement independent of the party that he had formed (….), and on the other hand, it is becoming more and more evident that he is making…
Dr. Gontarczyk about the conference in Paris: an embarrassing spectacle, which has little in common with science, but is extremely dangerous for Poland
For some, it would be useful to learn how to assign quotations from sources without making a few mistakes and adding what is not there.
Poland’s former Prime Minister, Jan Olszewski, is dead
He dreamt of making the current changes sustainable. Tłum. K.J.