The head of the government took part in the European Forum for Science, Research and Innovation in Dresden. The goal of the event was to initiate dialogue on competitiveness and innovation of European economies and exchange of experiences between participants representing the spheres of science, politics and economy. The forum was attended by approximately 400 participants from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.
„Poland wishes to continue playing an active role in the search for solutions to our shared European challenges”
— said the Prime Minister. Among these challenges, he included making necessary preparations for a no-deal Brexit scenario, EU’s expansion to the Western Balkans and preservation of transatlantic relations.
He went on to add that „it is crucial for Europe as a continent to re-emerge as the leader in advanced technologies and industry. We offer constructive conclusions when it comes to challenges faced by all of us in Europe, such as freedom of services, system of defence, climate, migration and digitisation” he continued.
„We have been given a strong democratic mandate to discuss Europe’s future. Poland is a seasoned member of the EU and one eager to present and share its vision”
— concluded the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister’s visit to Dresden also included a meeting with the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble. The issues covered during the meeting included the Polish-German relations, situation of the Polish diaspora in Germany, future of the EU, Eastern policy and bilateral cooperation with Saxony.
Organising the European Forum for Science, Research and Innovation was a cooperative endeavour involving the Federal State of Saxony and the prestigious Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft research institute, as well as the following institutions: Frauenhofer-Gesellschaft, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.
gim, source: KPRM
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