Is someone manipulating public opinion on a crucial, civilisational issue?
„Poles want partnerships”
— Gazeta Wyborcza” released at the end of September, citing a survey commissioned by the daily conducted by Kantar, which shows that the vast majority of Poles support homosexual partnerships. According to the survey, 57% of respondents were in favour of homosexual partnerships, while only 38% were against them.
In the daily’s opinion, the „campaign” against LGBTs could have had a „counterproductive effect” and contributed to the increase in support for LGBT relationships.
The majority of Poles do not buy homophobic siccing. It could even be counterproductive: a wave of solidarity with the insulted and the beaten, and that in society as a whole
— wrote the newspaper, making aggressive homosexual activists into victims, and ordinary Poles who simply want to live their lives as their parents did into executioners.
Is it true that Polish society has already succumbed to the LGBT lobby and agrees to the key demands of the so-called sexual minorities and their political promoters?
The portal decided to check how things are really going. On our behalf, Social Changes carried out a special study on this matter.
IMPORTANT: we did not use any pre-questions, which very often serve some centers to manipulate the results, properly aligning respondents.
In our survey of a representative group of Polish residents, we asked the following question, which best reflected the essence of the choice we were facing:
In your opinion, should partnerships for homosexual and heterosexual couples be introduced into the Polish legal system? (with limited right to adopt children)?
The result of the survey is unequivocal: 43% of Poles are against such a solution. They are supported by 35 percent of respondents, and 22 percent have no opinion. The graph without taking into account people who do not have opinions is as follows:
We also asked a more far-reaching question about the more extensive plans of the LGBT lobby:
In your opinion, should so-called same-sex marriages with full right to adopt children be introduced into the Polish legal system?
In this case, the picture is even clearer: 67% of respondents oppose such a solution; 13% support it and 20% have no opinion.
There is also a graph showing the distribution of opinions among decided people:
It seems that some media centers are making efforts to misrepresent the situation. The strategy is clear: it is about creating the impression that Poles have already succumbed, have already been broken, and politicians must sooner implement the so-called „Rabiej plan”, which assumes the introduction of partnerships first, then the so-called homomarriage, and finally the right to adoption for same-sex couples.
The study was conducted using the CAWI method from 27 September to 2 October 2019. The survey was conducted on a nationwide, representative (in terms of: gender, age, size of the place of residence) sample of Poles. N=1003 took part in the survey.
Tłum. K.J.
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