The formation built by Grzegorz Schetyna risked all on one throw. Also in the sphere of worldview, concerning values. After all, there has not yet been a campaign in Poland during which one of the two main political forces so openly fought against the spiritual, religious and national heritage of Poland and Poles.
There has not yet been a campaign in which so much emphasis was put on the breakthrough of civilisation. It was actually the main focus of the opposition campaign, divided into many voices and individual actions (profanations, making an anti-church atmosphere, a famous film, announcements of changes in the law, promotion of LGBT). Even during the electoral silence, Catholics were not spared the terrible scoffing of the Blessed Sacrament.
This extremely aggressive war with God was supposed to bring not only a political breakthrough, but also a civilisational and cultural change; one that would change the political landscape forever and that would push the right to the role of a deep opposition for a very long time. Many thought that this would really work, and that the fate of Ireland and Spain was soon be shared by Poland. This conviction in turn kept the opposition terribly excited and motivated - including the not directly political opposition - to turn up the pace of the revolution.
But Poland is Poland. The war against Holy Mother of God of Czestochowa and the scoffing of the Blessed Sacrament brought bitter defeat to the European Coalition, perhaps burying any chance of the opposition to win the autumn victory. The Poles called up to answer said a definite ‘no’, defending their heritage. Because the reason for the victory of the United Right is precisely the conviction that the foundations themselves are under threat. It was the very same that brought millions of people to the ballot boxes; people who under normal circumstances would probably stay at home.
The frustrated opposition will not abandon this path quickly, nor will it give up the fight against the Church and God overnight. But in the end there will also be a reflection that the ambitious plans of Poland’s secularization must be postponed for at least a few years, or maybe even a decade. Madonna of Jasna Góra has shown her strength again. The fact that it occurred on Mother’s Day is no coincidence.
That is exactly what made 26 May such an important day.
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