President Andrzej Duda: we should bring to Europe the strength of our tradition, faith and believes
We should bring into Europe the strength of our tradition, faith and beliefs; when Europe is based on Judeo-Christian roots, it will be safe for our children and grandchildren; no one will inject them…
No one in Civic Platform misses Tusk anymore, and he himself is trying to get another job in the EU? Interesting findings of “Polska the Times”
Of course, this is only one of the possible scenarios, but given the strong position of Schetyna, who has pacified almost all small opposition parties, including the PSL, which he had forced into committing…
The exhumation in Jedwabne is unlikely to take place
The first investigation into the Jedwabne massacre was discontinued in June 2003.
Poland’s former Prime Minister, Jan Olszewski, is dead
…– a protest against the amendments introducing into the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Poland the leading role of the PZPR (Polish United Workers’ Party) and the alliance with the USSR.
Spring - Robert Biedroń's new party has been inaugurated. This is a serious problem for Civic Platform (PO)
I invite you today: let us create a political force that will change the face of this country; that will bring fresh air into this stuffy politics — declared Biedroń after announcing the name of his project…
A corruption-sexual scandal strikes a prominent member of the opposition
As a result, these companies entered into favourable commercial agreements with a total value of up to PLN 13 million.
Commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz German camp. Former prisoner of the camp: The worst of all was that the Germans deprived us of humanity
For me, the worst thing about Auschwitz was not hunger, not the fact that we were forced into slave labour, but the fact that we were deprived of humanity. — said Stanisław Zalewski , former Pawiak prisoner…
100 years ago the first parliamentary elections in Poland started. "All citizens have been given the right to vote"
The Reich also had an electoral system based on a division into three couriers and a property censorship.
"Grzesiu, why aren’t you sleeping? Go to sleep”. Forester's dialogues with the bear hit on the Internet. VIEW THE VIDEO
Kazimierz Nóżka, a forester from Polanki in Podkarpackie voivodeship, while walking in the forest spotted a brown bear that has not yet gone into hibernation.
OPINION. Well, that's already clear. The Great Revenge Party will stand up against the Law and Justice (PiS) party. This aggression against democracy must be opposed
An attempt to convert a criminal murder into a political one does not have to succeed.
Stanisław Żaryn: Russia’s play to make Europe weaker
Those behind the propaganda campaign against the exercise also tried to make it an international issue, promoting their narratives in other languages and injected their propagandist content into online…
Is it possible to do something about hate speech? Wildstein: Unfortunately not. All ideas come down to censorship on the Internet
This has led to the division into tribes, clash of different groups. There is no room for explanation or argumentation. If you have a few hundred characters, you can kick some ass.
A post-war war. The years of 1944–1963 in Poland
He stayed in battle throughout the Nazi occupation and well into the Soviet occupation.
“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away
…plays an important role in tracking global changes in animal population, which is of course connected with climate changes in Antarctic areas and krill population, which yield standards are set taking into…
Prime Minister Morawiecki in an interview for CNBC: The conflict with Brussels is constantly being politicised. Many want to make Poland a scapegoat
At the same time, he announced that „Poland is preparing for Plan B in case the agreement on Britain’s exit from the EU does not come into effect.
Strong words of Minister Czaputowicz for "Handelsblatt": Nord Stream 2 destroys the effects of sanctions. It kills Ukraine
The minister believes that Poland is being deliberately made into a troublesome country. This is supposed to help some countries or specific politicians to achieve political benefits.
Is there an end to this madness? Wałęsa fascinated by Putin: "He is a wise man”. He appeals: "We are closer to Moscow than to New York"
It is worth recalling that the Sputnik service has repeatedly „allowed” into the Polish media pro-Russian and Kremlin-friendly content.
TOP 10 quotations from an interview of Deputy Prime Minister Gliński for "Sieci": They tried to make me an anti-Semitic. Madness
About people of culture who entered into alliance with post-communists Many people born after or in the last years of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) came to terms with the so-called people of honour…
"Cherish Poland, beware of agents"
Here are the most interesting excerpts: — One of the curses of our life, one of the curses of our way of building the country is that we got divided into several types of Poles; that we speak one Polish…
Prof. Paruch: No party was as successful as Law and Justice (PiS)
Some commentators suggest, however, that taking into account the scale of social transfers, Law and Justice should have gained more votes.