We should bring into Europe the strength of our tradition, faith and beliefs; when Europe is based on Judeo-Christian roots, it will be safe for our children and grandchildren; no one will inject them with „content that spoils morality
— said President Andrzej Duda on Monday.
During the meeting with the residents of Gorzów Wielkopolski Duda emphasized that he is pleased with Poland’s presence in the European Union and stressed that he wishes that the idea of our presence in the EU “received strong support”.
But I would also like it to receive strong support in order for it to act in two directions: not only for the Union to be with us, but also for us to be in the Union, with what the Holy Father John Paul II said to us, that the strength of our tradition, our faith and our beliefs should be carried to Europe today, because today we have the values on which this Europe was once built - on Judeo-Christian roots
— said the president.
Today it is all the time in us, Poles. Let us speak clearly about this, and let us expect this Europe to be just like that. It will certainly then be Europe that is safe not only for us, but also for our children and our grandchildren. This is what it is all about: so that in Poland and wherever we are, we can raise our children safely, so that no one can inject them with content that spoils morality and destroys the mentality of man; this is extremely important’
— he added.
Tłum. K.J.
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