Kazimierz Nóżka, a forester from Polanki in Podkarpackie voivodeship, while walking in the forest spotted a brown bear that has not yet gone into hibernation. The man recorded the whole situation and made it available in social media. Mr. Kazimierz’s „conversation” with „Grześ” bear conquers the network.
Grzesiu, why aren’t you sleeping? Go to sleep. Quickly
— said Kazimierz Nóżka to the bear on one of the recordings made available on Facebook by the Forest Inspectorate of Baligród.
The next recording shows that the animal decided to return to its bedding. Perhaps he did not like the name „Grześ”, because when the forester called him by the name „Leszek”, the bear stopped and turned its head.
On the third recording we can already see that the bear „Grześ Leszek” has listened to the forester and went to sleep politely.
There was a discussion among Internet users under the recordings, which was joined by Nóżka himself. The forester advised that if you meet a bear in the forest, you have to „slowly start withdrawing”. He pointed out that a good idea during a walk in Bieszczady Mountains is to talk loudly in order to prevent accidental encounters with bears.
Tłum. K.J.
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