Many Brussels officials want to make Poland a scapegoat and impose their own vision of cooperation between central offices of the EU and individual EU Member States - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. According to him, the conflict with Brussels is subject to a constant process of politicisation.
In an interview for CNBC, Prime Minister Morawiecki was asked about talks between the Polish government and the European Commission.
The conflict with Brussels is subject to a constant process of politicisation.
— said the Prime Minister. He added that many Brussels officials want to make Poland a scapegoat and thus impose their own vision of cooperation between central offices of the EU and individual EU Member States.
Morawiecki pointed out that in recent months, as a result of talks and negotiations with the European Commission, Poland has introduced many changes to the Polish legal system, which, in his opinion, constitute a compromise on the functioning of the Polish justice system.
The Prime Minister stressed that Poland is a democratic country and respects the rule of law.
Currently, all assemblies and demonstrations are not suppressed and everyone, including members of the opposition, can freely express their views on the streets
— he said.
Morawiecki was also asked about Brexit and the Polish position on this matter.
Poland has always been in favour of solving this problem on the basis of the compromise reached between the United Kingdom and the European Union
—he claimed.
He also assured that regardless of the results of the vote in the British Parliament, the Polish government will support and protect the interests of Polish citizens living in the UK.
At the same time, he announced that „Poland is preparing for Plan B in case the agreement on Britain’s exit from the EU does not come into effect.
However, we believe that Plan A will be implemented
—he emphasized.
The head of the Polish government also stressed in an interview for CNBC that Poland is one of the strongest economies in Europe, and indicators allow to feel safe in 2019.
First, employees in Poland must start earning similarly to people in developed countries in Western Europe. We haven’t reached this stage of economic development yet in order to be ready to adopt the common currency.
—said Morawiecki when he was asked about Poland’s adoption of the EU currency.
In the context of the recent turmoil around the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the Prime Minister clearly stressed that no accusations can be made before all the facts are known. He also emphasized that neither the government nor the parliament will have any influence on the independent financial institutions of the National Bank of Poland (Narodowy Bank Polski) and the Monetary Policy Council (Rada Polityki Pieniężnej).
Mateusz Morawiecki also expressed his satisfaction over the fact that the number of NATO soldiers in Poland has significantly increased in recent years and his belief that the American military base in Poland will be the crowning achievement of Polish-American cooperation. At the same time, he drew attention to the risks carried by Nord Stream 2 and double standards in the EU on this matter.
Tłum. KJ
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