What about European solidarity? V4 leaders and President Macron answer questions from wPolityce.pl and "Sieci"!
We should account for ourselves fairly, and the costs that fell on one country should be accounted for, and at least half of what it cost Hungarian citizens should be returned — he stated.
This is how Belarusian border guards operate. Shocking footage of the Border Guard! Officers "advise" immigrants how to cross the border
Record numbers are still being reported; on Wednesday there were almost 500 such attempts, and on Thursday there were more than half a thousand.
Aggression of 17 September 1939 ‒ the historical lie of the current policy of the Kremlin
In an article on World War II published last year in The National Interest (the text in Russian also appeared on the Kremlin’s website), President Putin stated that if the USSR had not taken over half…
The Institute of National Remembrance has funded a statue to Irena Sendler in Great Britain
If the Talmud says that whoever saves one life saves the world entire - then Irena Sendler saved not one, but two and a half thousand worlds.
From 15 May it is no longer necessary to wear masks outdoors. The regulation has already appeared in the Official Journal
May 15 is also a very important date, because from that day onwards we will suggest a solution that masks will no longer have to be worn outdoors, provided that a distance of one and a half metres is ensured…
Those who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the pandemic were honoured
At the beginning of the celebrations in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, a white and red flag was lowered to half-mast.
People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
However, both those numbers are highly inflated: 206 877 prisoners is one and a half more than the number of soldiers who fought in the ranks of the Soviet Western Front on the eve of the Battle of Warsaw…
Changes to the advertising tax? What about local media? PM: The tax must be fair and structured in the proper way
According to the assumptions, half of the revenue from advertising tax is to go to the NFZ. Many private media are protesting against the introduction of the new charge.
Tego się nie spodziewali! Na konferencji Szczerby i Jońskiego pojawił się... prezes spółki PL.2012+. "Chciałem tutaj sprostować..."
Źródła: https://www.hsj.co.uk/finance-and-efficiency/revealed-nightingale-hospitals-to-cost-half-a-billion-pounds-in-total/7029345.article https://apnews.com/article/07ba2f2894351e6741e7396230f8c9c7 tkwl…
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
More than half of our media outlets are extremely critical of the Government: all objective studies show that the market share of media outlets which are critical of the Government is above 50 per cent…
Huge support of Poles for the rights of children with Down Syndrome. The Constitutional Tribunal stands up for their right to life
More than half of the respondents - 57% - chose „definitely yes” and 23% - „rather yes”.
M. Karnowski: The Prime Minister convinced the Poles, because he answered the fundamental question: “what has been done to get ready for the second wave?”
In the Stock Reserve Agency alone, there are several million masks, half a billion gloves and many other items of equipment. (…) We have also increased our testing capacity.
Text by President of NBP, Prof. Adam Glapiński, for the “Polski Kompas 2020” annual. "NBP actively supports the Polish economy during the pandemic"
However, the unprecedented nature of the events that took place in the first half of 2020, surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, required that NBP reach for monetary policy tools not yet used by the Polish…
MŚ w półmaratonie w Gdyni. SPRAWDŹ, kto wygrał. Wicepremier Gliński: Jestem dumny, że Polska może gościć elitę biegaczy
…— podkreślił wicepremier Gliński w liście do organizatorów i uczestników mistrzostw świata w półmaratonie – World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Gdynia 2020. tkwl/PAP…
Lukashenka closing the borders with Poland and Lithuania! "We are forced to place half an army under arms". Polish Foreign Ministry: The border works normally
We are forced to take the troops off the street, place half the army under arms and close the state border to the west.
The heroes of the anti-communist opposition appreciated: a higher minimum pension or allowance and a package of additional changes introduced
…Half the price of public transport and railway tickets The bill also provides for discounts on the purchase of public transport or railway tickets.
Treasures of memory from Treblinka
…presented four out of the 15 sculptures: the one depicting the rebellion in Treblinka, the father unlacing his son’s shoe, the musicians, and perhaps the most touching sculpture - Rut Dorfman with her head half…
Witold Waszczykowski MEP: The struggle for freedom and independence has returned to Eastern Europe
However, those Europeans who found themselves on the unfortunate side of the Iron Curtain were plagued by Communist totalitarianism for close to half a century and could not enjoy the freedom and prosperity…
A heartbreaking appeal by the sister of the deceased: Are you bored? My brother would wish to be bored
Unfortunately, the coronavirus drained his body one and a half weeks after the first symptoms (moderate fever) and a week after the appearance of acute symptoms — explains the woman.
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
The Turks claim that they are unable to cope with it, that they have spent 40 billion euros on receiving migrants, and I recall 6 billion that the Union promised, of which only half was actually paid.