What about European solidarity? V4 leaders and President Macron answer questions from wPolityce.pl and "Sieci"!
…(…) This is something the European Commission could rather help than hinder. — said the Prime Minister. The second thing is that we are also talking about sanctions.
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
Frontex is rather a best practice exchange agency — said Prime Minister Morawiecki. What about readmission?…
OUR SURVEY. Strong support for the construction of a fence on the border with Belarus. The fence is to protect Poland against provocations
As many as 61% of respondents answered in the affirmative, with 34% answering ‘definitely yes’ and 27% ‘rather yes’.
People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
His method of counting was rather simple.
The Phenomenon of Polishness, an interview with Bolesław Orłowski
And this was despite Poland being a state with a rather frail economy at that time. The dictionary contains approximately 1,300 biographical sketches.
We have now come to the point where a "Wyborcza" journalist publicly behaves like a regular boor towards a woman. "Is this how they treat their loved ones?"
Or is it that when they are not in control of the world; their true, rather than created or studied, reactions are coming out? Is this how they relate to their loved ones? The people on the street?…
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
The response from Brussels, however, is not to improve performance and competitiveness, but rather to promote protectionism.
A vast majority of Poles recognise the right of the governments of EU Member States to veto. Check the results of the Social Changes survey
The question asked in this way was answered in the affirmative by 58% of those surveyed, of which 29% each chose ‘definitely yes’ and ‘rather yes’.
Huge support of Poles for the rights of children with Down Syndrome. The Constitutional Tribunal stands up for their right to life
More than half of the respondents - 57% - chose „definitely yes” and 23% - „rather yes”.
The first pictures from the construction of the hospital at the National Stadium! The pace of the works is impressive
We are thinking in terms of days rather than weeks. However, we hope that these places will not need to be used — said Dworczyk. Tłum. K.J.
Prof. Ryszard Legutko: Ms von der Leyen, I urge you - work with member states, not with ideologically driven campaigns
Ryszard Legutko on the State of the Union Speech given by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament: Thank you Mr President and Madame President, The last decade has been rather…
The 40th anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement. This is one of the most surprising events of the 20th century. That is how “Solidarność” was born
…the famous list of 21 requests was formed, including an increase in wages, a reduction in the retirement age, an improvement in market supply, the selection of managers according to their competence rather…
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Curtis L. Hancock: Neo-Marxism is exceedingly strong in the United States
In collectivist ways of thinking, justice is about social structures rather than about the purity of the individual heart.
"The Poles were subjected to systemic extermination". National Remembrance Day for Victims of the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camps
You have not come to a sanatorium, but rather to a German concentration camp, from which the only way out is through the chimney.
How important are the portal wPolityce.pl, the weekly "Sieci" and the television wPolsce.pl for you? We kindly ask for a gesture of solidarity
The media we co-create are not the richest (rather the opposite), they don’t dazzle with glitter (we ensure dignity), they don’t suck up to external powers (Poland is most important).
The Martian View of Europe, liberalism, Hungary. "Why Hungary? Basically, because it was convenient"
Geostrategically it is a secondary, landlocked state which plays no irreplaceable role in anything, other than in these rather regular politically driven outbursts.
Record-high ratings for coronavirus government action. A clear increase in positive evaluations. The KO voters were also satisfied. CHECK the results
In the opinion of as many as 71% of respondents, the government’s actions should be assessed „definitely positive” (29%) or “rather positive” (42%).
THREE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Are the judges driven by political motives? Has the resistance to reform been influenced by politics? CHECK the results
…— 45% of the respondents answered affirmatively, of which 20% answered „definitely yes” and 25 percent „rather yes”.
Górny: Elections in Slovakia that is good news for the Visegrad Group. "The cohesiveness will be maintained"
…an unexpectedly high victory for the OLaNO (Ordinary People and Independent Personalities) party, which in the West is described as populist, although - seen from the Polish perspective - it has a rather…
OUR INTERVIEW. Kempa: Jourova should be impartial, but unfortunately she joins the election campaign of the Polish opposition
They aim to formulate a desperate message to their own, probably rather confused, electorate. This behaviour is outrageous. May Mr.