This is the level of thinking of the opposition: our judges, your judges. They are perfectly capable of setting fire to Poland outside its borders
— tells the portal Beata Kempa, a member of the Law and Justice party in the European Parliament. Commissioner Vera Jourova in „Der Spiegel” says that the reform of the justice system is carried out by means of a crowbar. She regrets that it may be irreversible. How would you respond to these words?
Beata Kempa: We had great hopes that Mrs. Vera Jourova would be a different commissioner from Mr. Frans Timmermans. Mrs. Jourova personally dislikes Poland. This became apparent, for example, during some of her reports which she presented in the European Parliament before she was appointed to her current post. She should read the treaties, especially the main treaty on the European Union, which says clearly and explicitly that justice matters are the domain of the member states. I have a small appeal to Mrs. Vera Jourova, and maybe even a friendly advice, to listen less to our opposition, which harbours bad intentions towards Poland. By formulating such statements, Mrs. Jourova, as a body of the European Commission, that should be impartial, contributes to the election campaign of our opposition.
Mrs. Jourova was not so strongly antipathetic towards Poland when she was striving for support of the Law and Justice delegation in the European Parliament.
Of course she was not. She needed support of the Polish delegation, so then she behaved completely differently. However, I remember her speech when she summed up her work in the previous office. She was focusing then on Poland. I got to know her as a person who doesn’t really like us. Surely, that’s a matter of perspective. I would like to suggest that Mrs. Vera Jourova should not be part of the election campaign in Poland.
The President of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski claims that the reform of the justice system will be prevented by our judges. How would you comment on that?
Well, this is exactly the level of thinking of the opposition: our judges, your judges. They are perfectly capable of setting fire to Poland outside its borders. I’m talking about interventions undertaken by the opposition, for example at the level of the European Parliament. They aim to formulate a desperate message to their own, probably rather confused, electorate. This behaviour is outrageous. May Mr. Trzaskowski better focus on governing Warsaw, because his performance is getting increasingly worse.
Tłum. K.J.
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