People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
…(There was a high probability of death due to starvation and diseases also in the case of soldiers who weren’t captured by Poles but remained in the Red Army, due to a great economical chaos in the Soviet…
Biden wzywa Kongres do zaostrzenia przepisów dotyczących broni. "Ta administracja nie będzie czekać na kolejną strzelaninę"
Jesteśmy winni dokonania zmian wszystkim tym, których straciliśmy i tym wszystkim, którzy zostali w pogrążeni żalu — argumentował Biden. 14 lutego 2018 roku w szkole średniej Marjory Stoneman Douglas High…
Apart from the preservation of historical truth from manipulation, the security of the whole country, its citizens and residents are at stake here
Following that logic, there is a high risk that the country which fell victim to the German and Soviet aggression and atrocities during WWII will one day be identified as the perpetrator.
Starcie przed procesem Trumpa. Obrońcy nazwali impeachment „teatrem politycznym”. Oskarżyciele mówili o „podżeganiu do insurekcji”
…+High Court+ Impeachmentu, w którym senatorowie rozpatrują dowody, przesłuchują świadków i głosują za uniewinnieniem lub skazaniem oskarżonego urzędnika”.
Sad news! The life of Mr Sławek could not be saved. A Polish man who had stayed in hospital in Plymouth has died
The court also denied permission to transport the patient to Poland, on the grounds that this would involve a high risk of death during transport, which would be more derogatory to the man’s dignity than…
We have now come to the point where a "Wyborcza" journalist publicly behaves like a regular boor towards a woman. "Is this how they treat their loved ones?"
Elżbieta Chojna-Duch has „found asylum in the NBP”, in other words that she has actually been hired according to her high qualifications.
„Gazeta Bankowa”: Prognozy 2021. Pandemia koronawirusa w dużej mierze determinuje przyszłość
Hasłem cyberpunka stało się określenie „high tech, low life” czyli zaawansowana technologia, przeplatająca się z ponurą codziennością. (…) Ta mroczna wizja okazała się bardzo pociągająca, zwłaszcza, że…
Ważna uwaga szefa MON w „Politico”: Sojusz Europy z USA jest podstawą jej bezpieczeństwa. Nie ma alternatywy wobec NATO
Polska jest państwem ramowym dla lądowego komponentu NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF - szpica składająca się z sił zdolnych do natychmiastowego reagowania - PAP), którego trzonem jest nasza…
"Gazeta Bankowa": America is sneezing, the world is in a fever
The euro area, mired in recession, is once again faced with the nightmare of deflation, while many emerging countries are slipping into stagflation, ie high inflation, with GDP falling.
The Constitutional Tribunal has decided: eugenic abortion is unconstitutional
Abortion in the case of a severe and irreversible disability of the fetus, its incurable life-threatening illness or a medical condition indicating a high probability of the child’s illness is unconstitutional…
OUR INTERVIEW. 15 000 new cases per day is the limit of healthcare capacity? Prof. Ptaszyński: This is our estimate
Paweł Ptaszyński, Deputy Director of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Łódź: Because we still have a high intensity of contacts, which were in the past as well, and its consequences…
President of Solidarność: We have not appropriated anything! It is the same union from the beginning to this day
Raise them high, as we proudly carry them. There were those who told us to hide them in showcases. And that is Solidarity! — he said. Tłum. K.J.
Statement on Belarus by the Presidents of the Visegrad Group countries
…democratic presidential elections; 3) welcome the convening of the European Council, due to meet on Wednesday, 19 August 2020, to take all the necessary measures, in the spirit of the statement by the EU High…
Why the United Right after Andrzej Duda's victory did not drink champagne in buckets?
That is why there is no time for rest in the camp of the United Right; for the last few days there are working teams employed to show proposals of changes, but the ones with high dynamics.
The IPN will commemorate the soldiers of General Józef Haller’s Volunteer Army of 1920
Junior high school pupils, scouts, falconers and students, workers and bankers, craftsmen and entrepreneurs, 1863 veterans, the clergy, university authorities and professors, writers, actors and journalists…
MON kontynuuje zakupy
Kontynuujemy zakupy z polskiego przemysłu zbrojeniowego. Jeszcze w tym roku rozpoczną się dostawy hełmów HP-05 typu "high-cut" dla Wojska Polskiego…
"The Poles were subjected to systemic extermination". National Remembrance Day for Victims of the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camps
Among the first prisoners of the camp there were also those detained during round-ups, activists of political, underground and social organizations, government officials, scouts, high school graduates,…
Treasures of memory from Treblinka
This nineteen-year-old girl shortly after graduating from high school, sitting on a „hairdresser’s chair”, revealed her identity to Samuel. She knew what awaited her.
Protesty przeciw brutalności policji nie ustają. Dziesiątki tysięcy osób demonstrowało w Nowym Jorku i Paryżu. Starcia w Londynie
Ludzie gromadzili się w różnych miejscach od Archbishop Molloy High School w Queensie po teren przed gmachem stanowego Sądu Najwyższego na Manhattanie.
Andrzej Duda with a record-high score; fierce fight for the second place. The turnout is growing
In third place, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska (PO) with the support of 9%, which means a drop of 2 points.