Opposition protest in Warsaw. "Free and brave people", "old political foxes”
Warsaw City hall put the number of demonstrators at half a million although, according to unofficial information from the city’s police, the number attending was around 150,000.
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D. "The constitution of Polish freedom". "Freedom and sovereignty are not set in stone..."
A time of vulnerability, a time of hope In the final decades of the 18th century Poland was still one of the larger states of the Old Continent, encompassing an area of over half a million square kilometres…
A descendant of a man murdered for helping Jews responds to CBZŻ's defense of Engelking. 'We don't need fake friends'
When they lay on the ground beaten, bleeding and half-conscious, the gendarmes killed them with shots to the head. The same gendarmes dragged the Jew out of the bunker and shot him in the woods.
Poland supports coalition of ammo producers for Ukraine. "Currently the main problem"
…„Today more and more and countries agree to do that,” he added, explaining that about half of EU member states supported the scheme.
OUR SURVEY. Great support for changes to the Electoral Code aimed at facilitating the participation of residents of small towns in elections
Nearly half of Poles support changes to the Election Code aimed at raising turnout, according to a poll by the Social Changes studio, commissioned by the website wPolityce.pl.
Should Germany should pay WWII reparations to Poland? The unequivocal answer of the Poles
More than half of the respondents believe that Germany should pay war reparations to Poland for damages caused during the Second World War, a recent poll indicates.
The Minister of Culture shuts down discussion on Macron's gift. Gliński: Kant's book is not a Polish war loss
The last owner of Kant’s work was a private collector who bought it half a century ago. And it was sold to Hatchuel by this collector’s son. Everything is verifiable — emphasised Hatchuel.
Very few admit that the Poles have become united by their commitment to help the Ukrainians. Beyond political divisions
Having spent over half a year in war-torn Ukraine rather than in peaceful Poland, one could notice with some delay the bond, which is no longer Ukrainian-Polish, but Polish-Ukrainian, the one in the native…
War losses suffered by Poland as a result of Nazi Germany's aggression amount to one and a half trillion dollars
…"This day is not only the act of presenting some work, some documentation. It is also a decision about taking this matter to the international forum, and in particular to Polish-German relations".
Perhaps it was your canned food that the frontline doctors had for breakfast today? Perhaps it was a bandage sent by you that saved a Ukrainian soldier's life?
In a hospital in Slavyansk, now less bombarded by worn-out Russian artillery, in the food storeroom you can see at first glance that half the products come from Poland.
Święto Wojska Polskiego w Lublinie – historyczne pojazdy wojskowe z Fundacji Niepodległości na pokazie pod Zamkiem
UWAGA: w trakcie festynu na Błoniach zostaną przeprowadzone pokazy strzelania historycznej przeciwlotniczej armaty Bofors 40 mm i baterii 4 przeciwlotniczych nkm Browning na pojeździe M16 MGMC „Half-Track…
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
In the face of Denikin’s offensive, led from the south to Moscow, in the second half of 1919, the Polish-Bolshevik front became, in fact, a secondary front.
RELACJA. Obchody święta Wojska Polskiego. Prezydent: Polska armia w 1920 r. okazała się dla Rosjan barierą nie do pokonania
…kolekcji lubelskiej Fundacji Niepodległości (m.in. samochód Willys Ford GPW „Jeep”, opancerzony wóz zwiadu Daimler „Dingo”, ciężarówka wojskowa GMC, półgąsienicowy transporter opancerzony M16 MGMC „Half-Track…
OUR SURVEY. In case of Russian aggression, would Germany and France help Poland? Have we learned our lesson from the Ukrainian experience?
According to almost half of the respondents - 50 percent - one cannot count on German help.
The words 'denazification', 'population distribution' conceal brutal practices dating back to Stalinist times
…Half of them died as a result of disease, hunger and poor living conditions. They were replaced by representatives of the Soviet state elite. Resorts and leisure centres were built.
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
A time of vulnerability, a time of hope In the final decades of the 18th century Poland was still one of the larger states of the Old Continent, encompassing an area of over half a million square kilometres…
OUR SURVEY. Poles: the Russian army discredited itself in Ukraine. "Incompetence, lack of proper training, bad leadership"
More than half of Poles support the NATO peace mission in Ukraine.
REPORT. Mother is travelling to Lviv to fetch her children. A personal story, full of wonder, rhetorical questions and crying out: "Why?"
The three little Ukrainians will then have travelled 1500 kilometres, of which more than half with the sounds of war in the background.
What Russia is doing to its 'brotherly' Ukrainians is terror, cruel abuse. I would like to repeat: Poland has an important and pressing lesson to learn from this
The Ukrainian Government has just had to put half a billion dollars on aircraft insurance to secure the continuity of air services.
OUR SURVEY. According to Poles, has Donald Tusk changed? Would he govern better today? Bad news for PO
Regardless of current polls (which are strongly influenced by pandemic fatigue), it is clear that the negative public perception of Tusk’s government is still very strong, and almost half of Poles do not…