Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
The meeting was an opportunity to sum up the current membership experience in the EU and to discuss the priorities and challenges faced by the Community in the coming months.
President and Chief of the Ministry of Defence visit Polish soldiers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The current formation of the Polish contingent consists of 42 soldiers and army employees. Tłum. K.J.
Poland’s former Prime Minister, Jan Olszewski, is dead
He dreamt of making the current changes sustainable. Tłum. K.J.
The Parliament passed the "Mama 4 Plus" law! The benefit is to be paid from 1 March. "This bill calls for justice for mothers"
Zieleniecki said that the current lack of benefits for this group of mothers is „a highly unsatisfactory, if not scandalous situation”.
Stanisław Żaryn: Russia’s play to make Europe weaker
…defensive military operation against a potential kinetic military action (Russia suggests that Polish Ministry of Defence is torn by conflicts and that the society does not accept the policy of the current…
Is there an end to this madness? Wałęsa fascinated by Putin: "He is a wise man”. He appeals: "We are closer to Moscow than to New York"
He referred to his relations with the former president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, and he could not compliment enough the current President Vladimir Putin.
Poland's ambassador to Israel in Haaretz: We are the only state in Europe to properly honor the Holocaust
Dreifuss is fully entitled to express her views about the policies of the current Polish government. But some of the astonishing remarks she made in her latest article require a prompt response.
Tusk's huge mistake. His statement may have disastrous consequences. "He behaves like a bull in a china shop", "completely irresponsible game"
This second point means that in the last phase of the current financial perspective, there may be about 50 billion euros deficiency that will render settling the most important Polish projects impossible…
Szok! Różański straszy, że stałe bazy USA "spotęgują zagrożenie". Cenckiewicz odpowiada: Bogu dzięki, że jest poza wojskiem!
Żaden z zapisów NRFA całkowicie nie wyklucza rozmieszczenia takich sił (2 kwantyfikatory: „in the current & foreseeable security environment”; „rather than by”); 2.
OUR INTERVIEW: Professor Polak: "I’ve been observing in Europe a return to national values"
The future European Parliament, which election takes place in Spring 2019, will probably have a different composition from the current one.
What was the purpose of Schetyna visiting Merkel? Czarnecki: "We are actually facing discussions regarding support for the action of overthrowing the government". OUR INTERVIEW
Moreover, Schetyna was the first person to say that the current Polish authorities want to leave the EU. He had invented it and has been repeating it since then.
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
The first panel focused on approximating the legal and historical aspects of the current situation. The second panel addressed the issue how compensation affects Polish-German relations.
The President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska unmasks the opposition's actions: "This is a political fight, it is supposed to lead to anarchy and lawlessness in Poland
And it must be remembered that it is the current opposition which in 2015, just after the victory of President Andrzej Duda, passed the law that allowed the judges to be elected prematurely („in reserve…
Jarosław Kaczyński: the opposition’s been losing over the last months. But if they hope that it will dull our vigilance, they are wrong
About the future of Andrzej Duda: If you asked me who would be our candidate for the President in 2020, I would answer that the current President.
OUR INTERVIEW. Professor Pawłowicz: I told EU delegates in the National Counter of the Judiciary in Poland that Poles are a proud nation and they must respect us
It is likely that the Poland’s representatives at EU bodies, some of our employees attracted to the EU bodies by the current Polish opposition, boycott our efforts and do not provide information on these…
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
Our potential membership in this body, unique for the global human rights protection system, will complement, in a natural way, our current membership in the Security Council, in accordance with the fundamental…
Były menadżer Trumpa: Gotowość Polski do wkładu finansowego będzie ważnym czynnikiem ws. stałych baz USA
…powiedział w środę w Warszawie Lewandowski podczas zorganizowanej przez Warszawski Instytut Inicjatyw Strategicznych debaty poświęconej relacjom USA z Polską i regionem Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej „Current…
Here is a brief reminder of how the government of Donald Tusk treated journalists
Last week another recording emerged with the participation of the current Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, who in 2013 was the president of a large private bank.
OUR INTERVIEW. Gliński responds to the "FAZ" attacks: These are lies used for political struggle
We are rather a „republican-conservative”, patriotic and not nationalist government, which cares for the national community and Polish national interest to the same extent as current Western countries…
Bart Bagniewski: I like to act and I feel emotionally tied to Poland
It is crucial to launch an effective communication with the U.S. administration while pursuing a policy which is in accordance with the American interests, regardless of current regimes or political conditions…