Brexit was one of the main topics discussed at the informal summit of EU leaders which ended on Thursday afternoon in Salzburg, Austria.
Unfortunately, Polish commentators – busy discrediting the meeting of Polish and US presidents – failed to notice something what has already become number one topic in the diplomatic lobbies. It is about the Brexit crisis caused by yesterday’s statements of Tusk.
First things first. The informal aim of the summit had been de-escalation of relations between Brussels and London, or - using a different, popular concept - „de-dramatization”. It had also been to spout words of support to the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, before the upcoming conservative party conference. This is important, because if the British Prime Minister falls into another turbulence, Brexit will become even more difficult.
Tusk did not help in this task. After the summit, he stated that the solutions proposed by London „carry the risk of undermining the EU’s single market”. He added that the plan of the British government regarding the establishment of economic relations with the Union – named after the PM’s country residence „Chequers plan” - „will not work”.
Tusk’s statement drew attention of all the most important British media. It is hardly surprising that these words caused a real political storm. The effects are disastrous: the growing importance of these two radicals: pro-brexit and anti-brexit, but also a huge confusion in the mainstream.
The British political correspondent Politico even stated that Tusk
has thrown a hand grenade into Brit’s politics at the worst possible moment, destroying the Union’s de-dramatisation strategy.
The problem is not the content of Tusk’s speech; EU leaders agree that the British economic plan needs change. The problem is that it had been said out loud, in public, actually still at the summit. It detonates the negotiations.
This means that Tusk radically increased the likelihood of the prospect of no deal at the end of the Brexit contract negotiations. It’s success depends now on maintaining the belief that both sides can save face and achieve minimum. In the case of the British, Chequers Brexit proposal is the only way forward.
He behaves like a bull in a china shop
— tells us a well-informed expert.
This is an extremely irresponsible action in terms of Polish interests. The collapse of negotiations with Great Britain (by strengthening radicals in the UK, who may block the ratification of the final agreement) means that we do not have international guarantees for the rights of Poles, and, last but not least, there will be no chance for a sensible financial settlement between London and Brussels. This second point means that in the last phase of the current financial perspective, there may be about 50 billion euros deficiency that will render settling the most important Polish projects impossible. Experts emphasize that in the last phase the perspectives of payments are piling up, that’s why the settlement will last until 2023, and the Polish local governments settle investments at the last minute, making up for negligence.
This is a completely irresponsible game
— says our interlocutor.
gim, prej Well, it is hardly surprising.
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