17 September 1939 is a significant day in the history of Poland and in the course of the Second World War
Several hundred thousand Poles were deported and many Polish citizens died at the hands of the NKVD.
Prof. Ryszard Legutko: Ms von der Leyen, I urge you - work with member states, not with ideologically driven campaigns
…puzzling that every year over the last decade, we have heard from every Commission president that a radiant future is awaiting us and that the days of EU glory are just round the corner provided, of course…
The 76th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. "Losses among civilians are estimated at 150,000 to 200,000 people"
Airdrops of supplies for the insurgents, carried out by the air forces of the Western Allies (including Polish airmen) were just a fraction of what was actually needed and could not possibly change the course…
Poland's success at the EU summit. Szymański: Our position has been significantly strengthened. It is a major effort of the Prime Minister
Although the course of the epidemic in Poland was not as tragic as in other countries — noticed the minister.
A long-lost wedding ring belonging to a former KL Auschwitz prisoner has been returned to his great-grandson
In the course of the work conducted by the IPN’s employees, it was established that the Arolsen Archives are in possession of Szczepan / Stefan Brzozowski’s wedding ring.
Portal wPolityce.pl to the Hungarian brothers: it is Tusk who should apologize to you
To be precise, it should be stressed that the fact that Donald Tusk’s grandfather served in the Wehrmacht has been proved and is undisputed, although of course - since it actually concerned the Polish-German…
OUR INTERVIEW. Czarnecki: The only thing missing from the LIBE committee's report is that aliens land in Poland. It's all smoke and mirrors
The chairman of the LIBE Committee is a Spanish socialist and, of course, pursues a certain policy of the European left.
How important are the portal wPolityce.pl, the weekly "Sieci" and the television wPolsce.pl for you? We kindly ask for a gesture of solidarity
Of course, you will receive it in Polish. But even if you do not have a good command of the language, it will make your gesture of support all the more important. Tłum. K.J.
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
Of course, what the Greek government is doing this time by implementing European law, as Orban used to do, is right.
OUR INTERVIEW. Virusologist: We have no choice but to do what we have to do. The focus has shifted
Of course, our borders are blocked, but there is no 100% blockade; even as there were borders, human smuggling existed, and now there will be situations of „smuggling” of the disease.
Orbán on European Christian Democrats: "First we become centrists, then liberals and finally left-wingers"
Viktor Orbán is today the only leader of the European People’s Party who dares to speak out about the drift to the left of this formation and also tries to turn it back from this course.
OUR INTERVIEW. Kempa: Jourova should be impartial, but unfortunately she joins the election campaign of the Polish opposition
Of course she was not. She needed support of the Polish delegation, so then she behaved completely differently. However, I remember her speech when she summed up her work in the previous office.
Boris Budka is the new head of the Platform. Schetyna didn't stand for election
Budka’s victory is expected to result in an even sharper, anti-government course for the Civic Platform, which will satisfy the frustrated activists, but may further reduce the party’s chances to take…
Bronisław Wildstein: Putin's goal is to rob Poland of its credibility
The latter process cannot be, of course, conflict-free; such a character could only be possible by „floating in the mainstream”, i.e. resigning from an autonomous international policy and subordinating…
Jacek Karnowski: Remarkable response from the British people to manipulation and tricks of the establishment [OPINION]
Brussels, of course, did not help either, although a small concession would have been enough to break the deadlock in parliament.
EXCLUSIVE. Interview with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the weekly "Sieci": We have a plan how to keep winning
Of course, not all of us have the same opinion on every issue, because it is a coalition that respects freedom of speech and opinion.
Is this what he was after? The Pro-Kremlin media quote Braun. A politician of the Confederation spoke of the US army in Poland as „betrayal"
The words of the Member of the Confederation were, of course, quoted by the Russian ‘Sputnik’. The pro-Kremlin media were eager to take careful notice of Braun’s statement.
EXCLUSIVE. Krasnodębski: The debate about Poland in the EP was absurd. None of the important MEPs showed up. The room was empty
German MPs, from left to right, of course accused each other, but none of them accused their own country. Nobody said that something wrong was going on in Germany.
OUR INTERVIEW. Szewczak: The opposition sought to overthrow the Polish government and the Germans supported it. Perhaps because of the reparations
Of course, I received the words of the President of Germany in Poland with great appreciation.
Jarosław Kaczyński: Our system of values is based on the dignity of man and his life
This positive freedom was once attributed to only one state, and then in the course of the historical process it changed.