Our system of values is based on the dignity of man and his life
— said Jarosław Kaczyński, President of the Law and Justice party, during the party’s election convention in Lublin. He also noted that Law and Justice (PiS) is based on a system of values that is constructed around the „innate dignity of man”.
Let me first say a few words in a nutshell about the foundations of this system of values of ours - it is built around what I think we all regard as the most important - the innate dignity of man, the dignity of man and his life, because man, in order to have dignity, must live and this protection of life is treated very broadly by us - protection against oppression, including from the state, but also protection against euthanasia, abortion on request, all this ideology which undermines the value of life. We believe that this is an undeniable value
— said the leader of the Law and Justice party.
If the heroic values were not present, the other value, which is also at the heart of our thinking, could not be realised. It is freedom. To have dignity, a man must be free. He or she must be free from unnecessary prohibitions and oppression, but they must also have the right to another freedom, freedom „to” – being active and participating. This freedom is extremely important in our history. This positive freedom was once attributed to only one state, and then in the course of the historical process it changed. However, I can risk saying that the great end of this process was our great “Solidarity”, which made our nation free, although we still had a long way to go to become dignified. This freedom must be defended. (…)
Another value that we consider important - solidarity - is linked to freedom. Solidarity also means a willingness to serve others; it means solidarity among people, within families. It is the bond of community and that is why we value it so much. However, solidarity still requires the fulfilment of two conditions - equality and justice. We treat equality as equal rights and privileges, equal opportunities and prospects. (…) Our aspiration in social life is to increase the level of equality and that is what we achieve! Equality, solidarity, together they create justice and this is something else. It is a mechanism of social life that ensures equality, freedom and solidarity. This is our goal, we want justice, and we want a just Poland! But we also want a just world
— he added.
Man is a social being. (…) We consider the family to be a social cell of fundamental importance for the continuity of generations and the sustainability of communities. But we consider the family as we see it here - one woman, one man in a stable relationship and their children. This is the family. The family is under attack (…). Women are born as women and men are born as men. And that’s how it should remain!
— said the President of the Law and Justice party.
For us, the nation is Polishness and we value this Polishness very highly. (…) We want Poland to continue and we know that it is worth being a Pole. In the history of our nation, the situation was sometimes very complicated, so that the Catholic Church played a great role in shaping and defending our nation. Christianity is a part of our national identity. The Church was and still is the holder of the only known system of values in Poland. Apart from it, there is only nihilism. The Church is important for Poles; it is important for Polish patriots, regardless of whether someone is a believer or an atheist. We reject nihilism because nihilism does not build anything, it destroys everything!
— marked Jarosław Kaczyński.
Europeanism is a great culture and civilisation based on Christianity, Greek philosophy and Roman law. We are fully-fledged Europeans also in the cultural sense. But Europe is rich in diversity, because it is made up of many nations. There is no rational reason to oppose the European dimension of Polishness. Polishness is a particular variant of Europeanness related to freedom. (…) Poland will remain an island of freedom!
— said the President of the Law and Justice party.
The nation needs a state. (…) We didn’t have this country for a long time and that’s why we value it very highly. It is not only this loss and the terrible 50 years that tie us firmly to the idea of a sovereign state. But we must remember that the state is an irreplaceable security institution (…). The state is needed, also because only the state can be a territory, a sphere of freedom in both respects. Only a nation state can be a democracy, and we want democracy! We want a democracy that is simple, that is to say representative. (…) Judicial power is independent and built to ensure its neutrality, but the judicial power is to implement the law, including the fundamental one. The tribunal system proposed by some, in terms of the courts, has nothing to do with democracy. It serves the oligarchy. We want to strengthen Polish democracy
— he emphasized.
Tłum. K.J.
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