W świat poszedł kolejny przekaz o katoreżimie rządu PiS...
…kondomami i twarzą uczennicy w tle, oraz z demonstracji w Warszawie (tak głosi podpis), z anglojęzycznymi plakatami, trzymanymi przez dziewczynę: „An Orgasm a day keeps the worries away” oraz „Let’s talk about…
People popularizing Polish history appreciated. 5th edition of the ”Witness of History” Award
Svetlana Filonova and Olena Udovenko (Ukraine) – both laureates, although they do not cooperate with each other, work for the same cause - the Katyn case, restoring memory and publicizing information about…
Marzena Nykiel: Does anyone want to ban sexual education in Poland? Nonsense!
The left-liberal media argued that „PiS demands up to five years’ imprisonment for educating young people about sexuality and contraception”.
The President of the Law and Justice party mobilizes voters: We want to call on all Poles to vote. "These are the most important elections since 1989"
We want to call on all Poles to think about and vote on this choice — said Jarosław Kaczyński during the Law and Justice Convention in Warsaw.
That's how history was falsified! Shocking account by Prof. Davies from a meeting at the Israeli Embassy: Not Germans - Nazis, Poles - anti-Semites
Young historians were taught how to write about the Holocaust in a fake way. Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli historian, spoke mainly about the Holocaust.
Poles in favor of LGBT partnerships? No, it's not true! Is anyone trying to manipulate society and politicians? IMPORTANT research!
The graph without taking into account people who do not have opinions is as follows: We also asked a more far-reaching question about the more extensive plans of the LGBT lobby: In your opinion, should…
Shocking recording of one of the leaders of Civic Platform
Neumann: : People who go voting know shit about elections. They don’t know who is who. And they will see anti-PiS presidents with indictments attacted in Poland — we read on the TVP.info portal.
OUR INTERVIEW. Szewczak: The opposition sought to overthrow the Polish government and the Germans supported it. Perhaps because of the reparations
I said that this would be about a trillion dollars. When can we expect these calculations to be officially presented and sent to the German side? I guess that this must happen soon.
Poland proposes specific solutions to combat disinformation
…said the minister and proposed a specific solution: According to the minister, an efficient model is needed - both in national and allied terms - allowing for a quick exchange of analyzes, information about…
PiS a decisive leader entering the finishing straight towards the campaign. Jarosław Kaczyński would introduce 246 MPs to the Parliament. CHECK THE RESULTS!
The second place is taken by the Civic Coalition (KO), which can count on about 28% of votes. It would thus gain 146 seats.
PiS leader in defense of the family: "Everyone is born either a woman or a man. There are no two moms, there are no two dads”
There is nothing to laugh about. There are some who propose that this should be the case in Poland. We also have to defend this, to defend Polish freedom — he added.
Weekly "Sieci": We have evidence that the people of the Civic Platform (PO) is behind the powerful political hate machine
It was here that Internet users were fed with lies about the abortion that Małgorzata Wassermann was supposed to do, as well as indiscriminate mockery of President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz…
The foundation supported by Soros organizes a conference on the future of the country, and the list of guests includes only opposition politicians!
In turn, Michał Boni will speak about „the balance of power” and Adam Bodnar and Paweł Zalewski from the Civic Platform will talk about the rule of law.
President Duda in Bild: Reparations are a matter of responsibility and morals. The war we are talking about today caused huge losses in Poland
The war we are talking about today has caused enormous losses in Poland — reminded the President of the Republic of Poland in a conversation that appeared in the Saturday edition of the most widely read…
Zbigniew Ziobro: If we get a public mandate, we will complete the reform of the judiciary
He pointed to the institution of extended confiscation as a way to fight against concealment of assets and income from criminal activity; he also talked about the so-called VAT carousels and the recovery…
After a heated discussion, the opposition's motion to dismiss the Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro was put forward
The PO politician started talking about an „organised hate speech factory in the Ministry of Justice under the supervision of the Minister”.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sharply about former ambassadors, authors of a letter to Donald Trump: Harming and weakening Poland
…using the important, historical and at the same time tragic for Poland anniversary of the outbreak of World War II to make accusations on the international stage and to tell untruth and harmful things about…
Students from Israel brutally beaten in Warsaw. The attackers spoke Arabic. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacts
According to rp.pl, the details of the incident were announced on Facebook by the brother of one of the victims; the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that they knew about the incident and…
The leader of the opposition Civic Platform party announced his program a few weeks ago. Today he was unable to explain what it consisted of
Asked about the third point of the program, Schetyna answered: The third point is certainly smog, climate change, everything related to the environment… The problem is that point 3 concerns … health services…
Jarosław Kaczyński: Our system of values is based on the dignity of man and his life
Let me first say a few words in a nutshell about the foundations of this system of values of ours - it is built around what I think we all regard as the most important - the innate dignity of man, the…