A few weeks ago, the leader of the opposition Civic Platform, Grzegorz Schetyna, announced several program points that he called „Schetyna’s six”.
A few days ago, Schetyna was a guest of Beata Lubecka in the morning programme of Radio Zet. The journalist asked him to name these six election program points. It turned out to be an insurmountable challenge. Asked about the third point of the program, Schetyna answered:
The third point is certainly smog, climate change, everything related to the environment…
The problem is that point 3 concerns … health services. However, Schetyna placed this element in point 5.
In the fifth point, I would speak of everything that concerns… health care… I would speak of oncology
— said the leader of the Civic Platform party.
Apparently that is not true either - point 5 of „Schetyna’s six” concerns Polish school.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/462669-platform-leader-does-not-remember-his-program