EXCLUSIVE. Krasnodębski: The debate about Poland in the EP was absurd. None of the important MEPs showed up. The room was empty
Nobody knew what was going on — said Prof. Krasnodębski. The Member of the European Parliament for Law and Justice talked about how the debate was received by MPs from other countries.
There's a response to the article "Jewish Insider". The President's spokesman: That is simply not true. CHECK what Andrzej Duda said
President Duda never said that ‘Israel is responsible for recent anti-Semitic attacks in Poland’.
A to dobre! Trump sprytnie kpi z Macrona. Skąd tak niskie bezrobocie w USA? "Może mamy lepszego prezydenta niż wy"
…What the recipe for? President Trump: Well, maybe we have a better President than you do 💥😂 — relacjonuje Wojciech Pawelczyk. kb/Twitter…
Shocking recording of one of the leaders of Civic Platform
This is what Neumann’s conversation with a local activist of the PO looks like. Local PO politician: Sławek, but there is still the bigger issue in the background. This plot in Rokicka Street.
PiS leader in defense of the family: "Everyone is born either a woman or a man. There are no two moms, there are no two dads”
We must defend Poles against the belief in what is being told them: that if you want to be so wealthy, if you want to live as well as you live in many countries in the West, you must be the same as them…
Weekly "Sieci": We have evidence that the people of the Civic Platform (PO) is behind the powerful political hate machine
…What is more, the phone of Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda - the one who allegedly has nothing to do with SokzBuraka or the new domain owners - is registered with Domizz Studio sp. z o.o.
Zbigniew Ziobro: If we get a public mandate, we will complete the reform of the judiciary
But our goal is to finalise what we have started in this field as well.
The foundation supported by Soros organizes a conference on the future of the country, and the list of guests includes only opposition politicians!
…What should the „plan for Poland” look like?…
After a heated discussion, the opposition's motion to dismiss the Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro was put forward
…What are you remembered for? The scandals! — replied Deputy Minister of Justice Michał Wójcik from the parliamentary podium.
Jarosław Kaczyński: Our system of values is based on the dignity of man and his life
Let me first say a few words in a nutshell about the foundations of this system of values of ours - it is built around what I think we all regard as the most important - the innate dignity of man, the…
The leader of the opposition Civic Platform party announced his program a few weeks ago. Today he was unable to explain what it consisted of
A few weeks ago, the leader of the opposition Civic Platform, Grzegorz Schetyna, announced several program points that he called "Schetyna's six".
Michał Karnowski: Major ecological organizations failed in Warsaw
Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation So what? Well, for some people it seems totally irrelevant.
In the latest issue of "Sieci”: So different and so much alike
Polish liberals still cannot understand where the power of the Law and Justice party comes from and what causes their inability to break through the glass ceiling.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sharply about former ambassadors, authors of a letter to Donald Trump: Harming and weakening Poland
…What is your assessment of this rather desperate letter from former ambassadors to President Donald Trump? How would you rate such practices?…
Celebrations commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II - Warsaw, 1 September 2019
…What can one say about the end of the war and about victory when you are not living in a truly free country, in a truly sovereign country, a really independent country, when you are not completely free…
No more madness, no more hate speech of judges on the Internet? Minister Zbigniew Ziobro has found a way to put an end to it - there will be a special code
…What exactly are the provisions that could be included in such a code? Minister Ziobro will request the NCJ to develop the code in consultation with all legal circles, including judges.
Poland is not resigning from reparations. Czaputowicz: "The damage done to Poland and Poles has not been compensated by the perpetrator"
I am ashamed of what the Germans, acting on behalf of Germany, did to Poland — said Maas. I am also ashamed that after the war this guilt was kept silent for too long — he added. Tłum. K.J.
The President's moving words to the insurgents: It is thanks to that generation, thanks to its heroism, Poland exists
…insurgents could live in this myth, they could cultivate it (…) It is thanks to all this, today, this youngest generation of conscious, adult citizens, we can speak out, who the Warsaw insurgents are, what…
Anti-Semitism in Poland? See the footage from Kielce! "Something like that couldn't happen in Paris or Berlin"
…What did the above-mentioned publicist do? He attached this entry and signed it: „ And this is Poland…”. One entry of an Internet troll and a harsh and there was such a harmful assessment right away.
The liberal authorities in Gdańsk are demanding a huge financial penalty for the weekly “Sieci”. The editorial team answers: what we have written is true
The co-author of the text Marek Pyza in reaction to the call states that all that has been written in the article is true: Does the President of Gdańsk, Ms Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, know what the Free City…