Two million cubic meters of Warsaw sewage, including industrial sewage, were poured into the Vistula River.
So what? Well, for some people it seems totally irrelevant. Ecological organizations fight against plastic straws (as if plastic did not become more and more mass after each purchase - the problem is much more serious) and against investments crucial for the development of the Polish state (motorways, ring roads, the Vistula Spit ditch), and also issue bizarre protests against the „politicization” of the real ecological catastrophe in the Vistula.
Greenpeace stated that there is no problem and the criticism of the silence of ecological organizations is a „cynical political game”.
See Vistula near Wyszogród:
But the problem is much more serious. Because nature conservation is a matter of great importance and necessity. There are areas where Poland has a lot to do: air quality, lack of sewage system in many towns and cities, littered forests (despite large plantings there are too few of them), waste flooding our country (also imported, which is a scandal), too few green areas in towns and cities.
This needs to be changed. And in the face of the professional „eco-activists” being compromised, the right wing should take on the task of nature conservation. Without leftist ideology, without madness, but with Christian love for native nature and people. The field seems to be abandoned.
It is a necessity, but also a great opportunity to make a big social shift and attract those circles which believed that caring for the planet is the exclusive domain of the left. We have just found out that it is not true, that there are other goals at stake there.
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