Civic Platform's new slogan: Tomorrow can be better
The coalition’s already known proposals were supplemented with issues important for Kidawa-Błońska herself, such as young people, women’s rights and culture.
Jarosław Kaczyński: Our system of values is based on the dignity of man and his life
If the heroic values were not present, the other value, which is also at the heart of our thinking, could not be realised. It is freedom. To have dignity, a man must be free.
President Duda in Bild: Reparations are a matter of responsibility and morals. The war we are talking about today caused huge losses in Poland
And yet we were bitterly punished.
Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance in connection with the attempts to manipulate history on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
There were no secret protocols attached to these pacts, nor were there any hidden agreements on the division of spheres of influence in Europe.
Celebrations commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II - Warsaw, 1 September 2019
The war also began with the bombing of a city which was still sleeping - a city which was undefended and completely unprepared, a city in which there were no troops or military installations, a city in…
The IPN restores the memory of the NKVD victims
At least 139,835 people were subjected to repression, and more than 110,000 of them murdered – shot at the back of the head.
Joint declaration by five countries on the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Pain and injustice will never be forgotten
…very reason, today, on the day declared by the European Parliament to be the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes, we remember all those whose deaths and broken lives were…
In the latest issue of the weekly "Sieci": Paedophile scandals are coming to light. Will the conspiracy of silence be broken?
During the realization of musical children’s programmes for the two largest television stations in Poland, for many years there were acts of paedophilia and harassment of girls - claim the participants…
Antyaborcyjny film numerem 1 na listach sprzedaży! Blokady aborcjonistów nie przyniosły skutku
Abby Johnson założyła organizację „And Then There Were None” (I nie było już nikogo).
Poland is not resigning from reparations. Czaputowicz: "The damage done to Poland and Poles has not been compensated by the perpetrator"
It is estimated that at least 150,000 civilian inhabitants of Warsaw and 20,000 soldiers and commanders of the Home Army died in the Uprising. 550 thousand people were expelled from the capital city, out…
Polish Air Force Service Helping to unload the European sky
Janiszewski told journalists that in 2018 the delays in European skies were on average almost 2 minutes, especially in German and French airspace.
Warsaw honoured the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. Touching images from the "W" Hour in the streets of the capital. VIDEO AND PHOTOS
In the „W” Hour the alarm sirens of the city and provincial alarm system were switched on for a minute.
"Scouts and girl scouts, let Poland be the beacon that guides you"
Scouts and girl scouts, let Poland be the beacon that guides you — these were the words that the head of the government used to address the scouts during the Rally in celebration of the 30th anniversary…
How the PO lost the fight with the mobs. In the new issue of "Sieci": A customs officer fired for fighting scams reveals shocking backstage information
We were ordered to direct our activities at legally operating entities, not at criminal groups and fraudsters — says Sławomir Siwy, the President of the Customs Union Pl, who already in 2008 alarmed that…
The President's moving words to the insurgents: It is thanks to that generation, thanks to its heroism, Poland exists
He recalled a dispute with the communists who „were willing to agree to honor the insurgents, but they did not want to pay tribute to the Uprising”.
Moving colour (ed) photos from the Warsaw Uprising
After the insurgents surrendered and the remaining Warsaw residents were expelled, the Germans methodically burned down and blew up the capital of Poland - house by house.
The main opposition party presents candidates for the Parliament
The leaders of the electoral lists were presented after Tuesday’s meeting of the PO’s board by the presidents of the parties forming the Civic Coalition: Grzegorz Schetyna, Katarzyna Lubnauer and Barbara…
Anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising - a heroic uprising of Poles against the Germans. This battle lasted 63 days.
After the insurgents surrendered and the remaining Warsaw residents were expelled, the Germans methodically burned down and blew up the capital of Poland - house by house.
Brutal attack on a priest in Szczecin's basilica. The parish priest beaten with a rosary because he did not want to allow a sacrilegious mass to be held
John the Baptist in Szczecin on Sunday were detained by the police. The attack took place in the sacristy of the church. One of the men hit a clergyman and a church worker.
Anti-Semitism in Poland? See the footage from Kielce! "Something like that couldn't happen in Paris or Berlin"
Jewish music and Jewish cuisine specialties were presented on the Market Square as part of the „Cymes in Kielce, czyli Śladami Kultury Żydowskiej” („Cymes in Kielce, or Following the Traces of Jewish Culture…