Sports journalist Tomasz Zimoch, former Foreign Minister Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, former Deputy Prime Minister Paweł Kowal, Mayor of Rzeszów Tadeusz Ferenc, pediatrician Dr. Riad Haidar - these are some of the surprises of the „number ones” of the electoral lists of the Civic Coalition for the Parliament presented on Tuesday.
The second place (after the head of PO Grzegorz Schetyna) taken by the head of Nowoczesna Katarzyna Lubnauer in Warsaw may also come as a surprise.
The leaders of the electoral lists were presented after Tuesday’s meeting of the PO’s board by the presidents of the parties forming the Civic Coalition: Grzegorz Schetyna, Katarzyna Lubnauer and Barbara Nowacka. On Tuesday, the agreement was joined by the Greens, i.e. the party with which the PO, Nowoczesna and the Polish Initiative built a European Coalition before the May Euro elections (including the PSL and SLD). On common coalition lists they received one „number one” in Zielona Góra and two „number twos” in Wrocław and Konin.
This is the coalition in which we worked before the local and European elections, and today we are ready for parliamentary elections
— said Schetyna at the press conference after the board meeting.
After losing the May elections to the European Parliament, the European Coalition, bringing together almost all opposition forces, fell apart. In the autumn elections to the national parliament, several entities will run. They will face the United Right fighting for re-election led by Jarosław Kaczyński.
Tłum. K.J.
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