Poland’s Roksana Węgiel was announced the winner of the 16th Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018! "I would like to thank Poland, my family and God". VIDEO
The final concert took place in Minsk in the Minsk-Arena hall, which gathered over 15 thousand spectators.
Maciej Świrski’s statement on how the March of Independence was reported. "We call on the media to stop using hate speech towards Poles"
The Independence March was not the only demonstration that took place in Warsaw on the 11th of November. The left-wing circles, among others, also organized their demonstration.
"Cherish Poland, beware of agents"
After the May Coup - when he took over power by force - he was Prime Minister of Poland twice. He died on 12 May 1935 in the Belvedere. He was buried at Wawel Castle in St.
Prime Minister Morawiecki at the "Work for Poland" conference: We have fulfilled our obligations; we have tried to maintain our credibility
They show similar willpower in overcoming difficulties and recovering from the setbacks that took place in recent years — he said.
ECONOMY / Prime Minister: Poland's accession to the group of developed countries is a symbolic date
…of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) Marek Dietl emphasized that Poland’s upgrade to an elite group of 25 developed countries is the result of organic work of successive governments and regulators, who took…
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
The Warsaw Institute took part in the conference entitled “World War II reparations: a problem for Germany today?” organized in Warsaw by the Institute for Western Affairs from Poznań.
OPINION. The courts were to prevent the reconstruction of Poland. Their reform had to trigger an attack so that Poland would not get out of the nets
After Law and Justice took over the power in Poland, the courts were to be the last instance protecting the interests of the opposition in the country; the interests of foreign states, international organizations…
OUR INTERVIEW. Gliński responds to the "FAZ" attacks: These are lies used for political struggle
It is a pity that the director took the easy way out here and made a unilateral and propaganda film.
Poland is not the 17th Land of Germany - the sooner it sinks into the consciousness of the political elite in Berlin, the better
And Angela Merkel had said the same before she took his place….
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
Christian roots of Europe, as well as the situation of persecuted Christians in the world were the subject of the 5th session of the Second International Congress of the „Europe Christi” Movement, which took…
The President of Poland was treated scandalously in Berlin. How to talk to Germany, when instead of listening, they are setting traps?
President Andrzej Duda took part in the 19th Polish-German Forum „Europe 1918-2018: History with a future” hosted by the German Foreign Ministry.
Warsaw has lost the fortune equivalent to the cost of building 40 metro stations
Attorney Robert N. took part in the return of 46 such properties in Warsaw (each of them worth several dozen million zlotys).
Poland's First Geopolitical Think Tank in Washington
In March this year, all experts, who later contributed to works of The Warsaw Institute Foundation, took an active part in an international conference on the Polish Three Seas Initiative, organized jointly…
Police: photo of Forza Nuova taken in 2017 in Italy - not during the Warsaw march
The police estimate that 250,000 people took part in the march this year. The march was also attended by representatives of Forza Nuova. PAP. Tłum. KJ…
Masquerade on request. How did the famous TVN "reportage" about Hitler's birthday celebration come into being? Surprising information
After the report had been made public, the prosecutor’s investigation started; the Interial Security Agency (ABW), police and other services took the action, and a false message was sent to the world,…
Słowa Allena oddają jedną z największych dezinformacji wobec Donalda Trumpa
Woody Allen: “I took a speed reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia”. Słowa te oddają jedną z największych dezinformacji wobec Donalda Trumpa.
Mocne słowa dr Morawiec do Verhofstadta: Śmie pan uczyć nas demokracji? Kimże pan jesteś? Pierwszym sekretarzem nowego Kremla w Brukseli?!
I know, for example, where the first giant genocide in the world took place. It was in Kongo, during the reign of your king, Leopold II . There were about 10 millions of victims of your king’s greed.
NIE w greckim referendum, to NIE dla Niemiec, które nie potrafiły przezwyciężyć przeszłości, co skutkuje nieprzerwanie amerykańskim podsłuchiwaniem
Moss, jeden z brytyjskich przywódców podziemia na wyspie w okresie jej okupacji i mozg operacji, która doprowadziła do porwania dowódcy Niemców generała Kreipe: „German brutality in Crete nearly always took…
Prof. Jan Grabowski za cenzurą i przeciw promocji polskich Sprawiedliwych! Skandaliczny, kłamliwy donos do władz kanadyjskiej uczelni
These courageous people are used today by the IPN instrumentally in order to cover up the less laudatory actions of large segments of the Polish society which, in a variety of ways, took part in the German…
Skąd ta zmiana? Michnik w 1995 roku: To kłamstwo, że Polacy są szczególną nacją, która po prostu marzy o tym, żeby dokładać Żydom
If one creates the image of reportedly the only country where concentration camps were located during the war and pogroms took place after the war, then everything suddenly appears clear: Poles are a peculiar…