40th anniversary of the first pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland
The first of John Paul II’s three pilgrimages to his homeland began on 2 June 1979.
Law and Justice outclassing its rivals in the election. Great victory of the Kaczyński’s camp
These results mean that only three committees - Law and Justice, European Coalition and Spring - will gain seats in the European Parliament.
Eurovision aroused a wave of comments on the Internet. Many Twitter users did not hide their indignation
…#Eurovision Three beautiful, well singing Women. And our lovely ladies from #Tulia. It’s pretty good. But then comes some unobvious gender figure with the promotion of this type of experiments.
Germans in distress. For another year in a row there are no asparagus pickers from Poland. "That's because of the 500 plus programme"
Perhaps this is a decisive factor for the parent: do I really have to leave the family for three months and work in the German field? — can be read at ndr.de.
Every fifth diocesan priest in Poland was murdered. The Day of Martyrdom of the Polish Clergy
Among the approximately three thousand imprisoned monks, deacons, priests and Catholic bishops, nearly 1800 came from Poland.
How much do the Germans owe us? Mularczyk for wPolsce.pl: When we take a close look at the individual losses, we will understand why the amount is so shocking.
They did not carry out any activity directed agains The losses that Poland suffered during the war cannot be recuperated within three or four generations — evaluated MP Mularczyk.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki: Expansion of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście will reduce the gas price for all users
Our energy policy is based on three objectives: security, independence and efficiency — said Mateusz Morawiecki during the signing ceremony for an EU-financing agreement to extend the LNG terminal in…
Inauguration Address by the President at the opening of the Conference: “The Downfall of Communism. 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe”
And I am glad that today we have formats such as the Visegrad Group, such as V4, and that we have cooperation within the Three Seas’ Initiative today.
The murderer of Adamowicz will be subjected to psychiatric observation. Stefan W. - despite the recordings – is denying his act
The post-mortem showed, among others, three deep wounds — one in the heart and two in the stomach. Tłum. K.J.
Prof. Roszkowski: Sexualisation of children, undermining sexual identity of people and destruction of the family is the beginning of the end of civilisation
Wojciech Roszkowski drew attention to the three main pillars of Western civilization, which are Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity. However, nowadays these foundations are under attack.
Marcinkiewicz strikes at Isabel: She behaves like a stalker. Even if I fall behind on the payments, I have been feeding her for the last 10 years
In two, maybe three weeks’s time. I work hard - over 10 hours a day. And I know that it will bring results. Just as it used to bring in the past. But it’s not about paying.
Polish Ambassador to Israel Marek Magierowski was interviewed by "The Times of Israel"
There’s another intriguing parallel: the astonishing economic growth of both Poland and Israel over the last three decades.
Commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz German camp. Former prisoner of the camp: The worst of all was that the Germans deprived us of humanity
I was a three year old prisoner. I was taken with my parents.
100 years ago the first parliamentary elections in Poland started. "All citizens have been given the right to vote"
The Reich also had an electoral system based on a division into three couriers and a property censorship.
OPINION. Well, that's already clear. The Great Revenge Party will stand up against the Law and Justice (PiS) party. This aggression against democracy must be opposed
It is also worth recalling that this is not the first attempt in the last three years to make a breakthrough in Poland through the cynical use of human death.
2019 is to be the most important year since 1989. The decisive year of the last three decades for Poland
Several weeklies and dailies at the same time announced that 2019 would be the most important year since 1989; the „decisive year of the last three decades”.
Europe is still divided by a wall. We are not a community of fate, remembrance or values
Interestingly, the borderline runs exactly where the Iron Curtain was located three decades ago. To illustrate the phenomenon, let us quote just three questions.
Prime Minister Morawiecki at the "Work for Poland" conference: We have fulfilled our obligations; we have tried to maintain our credibility
After those three years, when we have carried out a thorough renovation of the house called Poland, it is now time for safe development, for peace and stability. (…) We are after these changes.
Koń padł po prestiżowej gonitwie. Drugi został uśpiony
Podobny los spotkał 16 lat temu singapurskiego Three Crowns, który złamał nogę. Uśpiony został też w 1979 roku Dulcify, który podczas prestiżowej gonitwy złamał miednicę. lap/ PAP…
Monster Truck prezentuje utwór z nowej płyty. Kanadyjczycy pokazują czym jest rock!
Na płycie pojawiają się goście z zespołów Billy Talent, Three Days Grace i Cancer Bats. Q/Mystic…