Stefan W., the assassin of the Mayor of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz, will be subject to judicial and psychiatric observation for four weeks - declared the Regional Court in Gdańsk on Thursday, examining the motion of the prosecutor’s office in this case. Stefan W. - despite the recordings – is denying his act.
A four-week observation of the suspect was ordered in the conditions of a closed psychiatric ward, in custody
— informed journalists after the trial, Paweł Adamowicz’s family attorney, Jerzy Glanc.
Prosecutor Agnieszka Nickel-Rogowska emphasized that the opinion issued by expert psychiatrists would be „one of the key evidence” in the investigation.
Stefan W. was answering the court’s questions very clearly. He did not show any special emotions. I think that he realises what is going on around him and knows in what kind of meeting he was taking part. He did not object to being sent for observation
— she said to journalists.
The prosecutor, when asked by journalists whether Stefan W. referred to what he had done on 13 January during the court meeting, answered:
In this sense, he referred to the fact that the evidence was falsified, including recordings made by various subjects of the event. He still maintains that he has not done it and he does not admit to having committed this act.
It is the proficient psychiatrists who will allow us to cast light on whether Stefan W. is pretending or he is indeed an insane person
— added Nickel-Rogowska.
On January 13, in the evening, 27-year-old Stefan W., during the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Gdańsk, invaded the stage and attacked Mayor Adamowicz with a knife.
Later that night, Adamowicz underwent a five-hour operation in the hospital. The next day the mayor of Gdansk died. The post-mortem showed, among others, three deep wounds
— one in the heart and two in the stomach.
Tłum. K.J.
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