Former Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz spoke to the Onet portal about his problems with his ex-wife Isabel. He stated that he pays alimony and is a victim of stalking.
I have offered her various types of settlements many times. Even if I fall behind on the payments, I have been feeding her for the last 10 years. She is my dependant. I accept the court’s verdict. Although it is difficult for me, because if someone is constantly insulting me, slandering me, telling terrible lies about me and I have to pay him, it is hard. It’s hard. When I have the money, I will pay her - said Marcinkiewicz.
I pay as much as I can at any given moment. And I will pay her off. In two, maybe three weeks’s time. I work hard - over 10 hours a day. And I know that it will bring results. Just as it used to bring in the past. But it’s not about paying. Because when I was paying regularly 4, 3 and 2 years ago, she was hurling mud at me in newspapers as much as she liked. She uses every moment and every fact to slander me. That’s exactly what a stalker does
— said the former Prime Minister.
Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz emphasized that it was he who left Isabel and developed his idea that he fell victim to stalking.
I read some texts about stalkers and everything fits perfectly, unfortunately. There are many of them in the world. But having to face such a problem for four years and without a break? There is probably only one such case in the world. But why mine? Do I have to flee to another country in order to finish it? Should I grow my hair so that people wouldn’t recognize me?
— dramatised Marcinkiewicz.
The former Prime Minister stated that he would support the European Coalition, even if he would not be able to participate in the European Commission’s lists to the European Parliament.
It is not important whether or not I will take part in the European Parliament election with them. I wish to work for this coalition anyway. Because I believe that there is a lack of community in Poland
— he said.
Marcinkiewicz said that he did not consider himself a loser.
I don’t consider myself a loser. Fortunately, some of my clients do not think so either. Although some of my clients resigned from me due to a media storm
— he added.
Tłum. K.J.
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