Media deconcentration? The Prime Minister responds: "We're not currently dealing with this issue"
Currently, we are not dealing with the issue of repolonization or deconcentration on the media market -says Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in an interview for „Do Rzeczy”.
Conclusion of the F-35 aircraft purchase agreement. President: I'm glad; it greatly strengthens our position
…Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke: The F-35 is a sky-high armour that is to serve the Polish Armed Forces and NATO countries to protect all NATO members, especially the eastern flank.
Prime Minister: Our country excels at reconciling social goals with development goals
…Prime Minister highlighted that Poland „is very much involved in European economic mechanisms”.
In Davos Poland forcefully joined the European debate
The panelists included the President of Poland Andrzej Duda , the President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović , the President of Latvia Eglis Levits , the Prime Minister of Estonia Juri Ritas , and among…
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Man of Liberty 2019 of the weekly Sieci!
The winner, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, is characterized by the columnist of the weekly Sieci, Stanisław Janecki: He gained trust (…) as one who does not consider specific tasks impossible and quickly…
Polish MEPs: The justice system has not been reformed. A communist relic in a democratic state
…Prime Minister Beata Szydło (PiS) spoke in defence of Poland. In Poland, judges can protest and no one brings the enforcement forces against them. Everyone who says otherwise is lying.
Business Council of Growing Europe established in Davos. "By joining our forces we can raise awareness about the dynamism and innovation"
The meeting was also attended by the President of Poland, the President of Croatia, the President of Latvia, the Prime Minister of Estonia and the US Ambassador to Poland.
E-zlecenia na wyroby medyczne dopiero od prima aprilis
E-zlecenia na wyroby medyczne, np. na aparaty słuchowe, cewniki, protezy czy wózki inwalidzkie, zaczną obowiązywać od 1 kwietnia 2020 r., a nie, jak planowano wcześniej, od 1 stycznia…
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. "President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately"
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki: The 20th century brought the world inconceivable suffering and the death of hundreds of millions of people killed in the name of sick, totalitarian…
Prime Minister meets senior citizens for a Christmas Eve dinner
Poland owes you so much – so many experiences — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at a Christmas Eve dinner with senior citizens under the care of the Adult Day Care Centre in Jaworzno.
Dobry ruch KPRM! Stanowisko premiera ws. Putina również po angielsku. Warto udostępniać w mediach społecznościowych
Zawsze robił to w pełni świadomie” Dokument zatytułowany „Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki”, opublikowany na anglojęzycznym profilu Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów, już cieszy…
Bronisław Wildstein: Putin's goal is to rob Poland of its credibility
…Prime Minister Morawiecki is right that: In recent weeks, Russia has suffered several major setbacks: the attempt at total subjugation of Belarus has failed; the European Union has once again extended…
The new Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad
…Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki appointed Jan Dziedziczak to the position of a Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad.
Prime Minister: Our commitment is a strong Polish army
…Prime Minister thanked all special units: Grom, Formoza, Agat, Nil, Siódma Eskadra, Komandosi and, as he added, all those “who are fighting and practicing in order to secure our borders and the Eastern…
Cztery lata prezesury Jacka Kurskiego w TVP. "Telewizja publiczna na wielu polach odbudowała swoją przewagę"
Np. ci sami recenzenci potrafią domagać się kultury wysokiej w tzw. prime timie na głównych antenach oglądanej przez 1–2 proc. widzów ( jak niedawno w Salonie Dziennikarskim jeden z waszych gości), a gdybym…
Ambassador Knot: "As Poles defended their country… Soviet forces attacked from the East"
Jonathan Knott, British Ambassador to Poland, wrote on Twitter: As Prime Minister Johnson said on 1 September 2019: “Eighty years ago, Hitler invaded Poland… As Poles defended their country… Soviet forces…
Mistewicz z nowym programem w Polsat NEWS. "Inspiracją był mój ulubiony program głównej telewizji francuskiej"
Mam pomysł, jak zrobić to w sobotnim prime time, w czasie najlepszej oglądalności, w Polsce —mówi Eryk Mistewicz.
O co naprawdę chodzi w rosyjskich atakach? Jaką strategię przyjęły polskie władze, w tym prezydent? "Wiedzą, że to tylko przygrywka przed głównym uderzeniem"
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki.
The Family Council has been set up! Prime Minister: "Children are the greatest value the future depends on"
In the life of every country that wants to develop, the family must be given a central place - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during the ceremony of appointing the members of the Council.
What is that supposed to mean?! Tusk „shooting at Trump's back". Internet users are appalled
Tusk in his prime, waiting for people to turn their backs. No wonder he got scared of the real fight for the presidency in Poland. Tłum. K.J.