Today, we can showcase yet another great success of the Polish services
— said the Head of Government during a joint press conference with Minister of the Interior and Administration Mariusz Kamiński. As he added, ‘it was a very difficult and complicated operation.
There was an attempt to smuggle 275 kilograms of heroin, worth around 60 million zlotys. A route for trafficking drugs from the Middle East and South America was also eliminated in the process. It was the effect of many months’ hard work by the police officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation of the National Police Headquarters, under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Gdańsk. Officers of the National Revenue Administration also participated in the activities in Poland. The operation was carried out in Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, with the support of Europol.
Year by year, we crack down on an increasing amount of contraband. It is beneficial to the Polish budget
— Mateusz Morawiecki continued.
The Prime Minister thanked all the services involved in the operation. ‘Crime groups make use of advanced technology, so our services deserve that much more respect,’ he concluded.
Source: KPRM
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