The last farewell of Cardinal Grocholewski in the presence of the Pope. Francis: "He gave testimony of the priestly fervour"
Cardinal Grocholewski, as the Pope added, "devoted himself particularly generously to the service of the Holy See".
The Grunwald celebrations. "This is a symbol of the Jagiellonian idea of a unifying Europe." A memorial stone dedicated to the Lithuanians was unveiled
President Andrzej Duda , who accompanied President Naused during the unveiling of the monument, said that the impressive stone will forever be a „sign of presence and friendship”, that it will testify…
Following the meeting between Polish President Andrzej Duda and US President Donald Trump in Washington. What about US troops in Europe?
One of the topics was the presence of American troops in Poland.
Prezydent Duda podkreśla: Bezpieczeństwo Polski jest nieporównywalnie większe dzisiaj, niż było pięć lat temu
Dzisiaj jest enhanced Forward Presence (wzmocniona Wysunięta Obecność), w której na Łotwie bierzemy i my udział — podkreślał.
Will US soldiers from Germany be sent to Poland? President Duda: It's a possibility
This is when these decisions were made to create a far-reaching, strengthened presence on the eastern flank of NATO — said Duda. Tłum. K.J.
251 people are dead. 7049 people in Poland suffer from COVID-19
So far 129,560 thousand tests for the presence of coronavirus have been conducted in Poland, over 11,2 thousand of them were done during the last day, according to the Ministry of Health on Saturday.
"Ni pies, ni wydra, coś na kształt świdra" ma upamiętnić Bitwę Warszawską 1920?!
Internauci zauważyli w nim przede wszystkim coś, co już kiedyś widzieli, na przykład bryłę Cayan Hotelu w Dubaju albo „The Object”, statuetkę promocyjną albumu Presence (1978) zespołu Led Zeppelin, znajdującą…
Światowe media o sytuacji w UE po Brexicie: "Macron chce Polski w twardym jądrze Unii Europejskiej"; "W Niemczech walka o władzę"
Przypomnia, że już trzy lata temu, podczas spotkania NATO w Warszawie i wobec niepokojących postępów militarnych Rosji, przedstawiono ambitny plan „Enhanced Forward Presence”, rozmieszczający wojsko i…
Business Council of Growing Europe established in Davos. "By joining our forces we can raise awareness about the dynamism and innovation"
Gedeon Richter Plc. , headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, is a major pharmaceutical company in Central Eastern Europe, with an expanding direct presence in Western Europe, China and Latin America.
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
Most often under the sign of Christ’s manger and in the presence of bishops, so it does not correspond to the theses, but how lively and true it is. Tłum. K.J.
Prezes Exatela: chcemy się włączyć w inicjatywę Cyfrowego Trójmorza
Jak powiedział, elementem tego programu jest otwarcie w listopadzie tzw. punktu obecności telekomunikacyjnej (ang. point of presence) w czeskiej Pradze.
"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
Poland which had been fighting alone against Germany for a further week, was attacked by hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers from the east, the Reich’s Ambassador in Moscow reported: Stalin in the presence…
Is this what he was after? The Pro-Kremlin media quote Braun. A politician of the Confederation spoke of the US army in Poland as „betrayal"
The vast majority of Poles support the American military presence in Poland. Tłu. K.J.
How touching! A baby saved in the baby hatch. This time in Świdnica. "He is a boy; he is well cared for and healthy. He is only a few days old
When we heard a sound announcing the presence of the child in the baby hatch, we quickly ran to the place where the child was.
Poland proposes specific solutions to combat disinformation
Your presence in Poland at such a prestigious conference is a distinction for our country, which has been an integral part of the most effective defence alliance in history for 20 years.
Joint declaration by five countries on the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Pain and injustice will never be forgotten
…the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, who was also the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars (Prime Minister), Vyacheslav Molotov - signed a Soviet-German non-aggression pact in the presence…
The Warsaw Institute: Polish-American Alliance Stronger Than Ever Before
Thanks to the purchase of F-35 and the increased presence of American troops on Polish soil, it will gain the security of the entire region.
Former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We have brutal Russia that is practicing a nuclear attack on Warsaw. We can't stand idly by and watch it
We joined NATO in 1999, but (…) NATO only started to enter Poland in 2016 , because in 2015 President Duda and then our government made it clear that there must be a presence here.
President Duda: Moscow continues to arm the Kaliningrad District. What is happening on our part is the answer
The President of the Republic of Poland spoke, among other things, about the issue of sharing the costs of the presence of new American soldiers in Poland. The division of costs is less natural.
The outcome of the Duda-Trump meeting: more US troops in Poland and the purchase of 32 F-35 fighters
Increase in the permanent presence of US troops in Poland by about a thousand soldiers, purchase of the 32 F-35 fighters, the announcement that Poland will have its visas abolished within 90 days and the…