ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
A time of vulnerability, a time of hope In the final decades of the 18th century Poland was still one of the larger states of the Old Continent, encompassing an area of over half a million square kilometres…
Poles know how to distinguish between hybrid war involving migrants and the genuine tragedy of refugees
Today there are already one million refugees. If the war continues, this may be increased several times over. A great deal of work, sacrifice, consistency and perseverance will be needed.
Daniel Obajtek: The acquisition of Lotos Group by PKN Orlen is a historic moment and a giant opportunity for Poland's development
The price to be paid by PKN Orlen for 144 stations in Hungary and 41 stations in Slovakia amounts to around EUR 229 million.
Tanks against “Solidarity”. "In 1981 the communist regime declared a war against its own nation"
Another action that resonated 40 years ago was the TV programme “Let Poland be Poland” broadcast on 31st January 1982 and watched by almost 200 million viewers in many countries.
The first Polish tank drivers have left for the US on training. The head of the Ministry of Defence: We have started preparations to receive Abrams tanks
The value of the contract including the logistic and training package amounted to 23 billion 300 million PLN.
Fogiel after the CJEU decision on Turów: They might as well have demanded the bombardment of the entire site. It would have a similar effect
The mine will continue to operate, because we cannot afford to deprive several million households of electricity or put several thousand people out of work , simply because, let us remember, this is not…
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
The minister was also asked if it is true that the government will spend 500 million zlotys to erect a much more solid barrier.
We demand protection for Christians in Afghanistan. "There are reports of killings, harassment and threats"
We fear the repetition of the Syrian scenario, where the number of Christians has fallen from 1.2 million to 550 000 in the course of a decade.
Aggression of 17 September 1939 ‒ the historical lie of the current policy of the Kremlin
…prisoner-of-war camps, sentenced by courts, military tribunals or other extrajudicial bodies, then according to the most conservative estimates, the number of the repressed can be estimated at nearly half a million…
In Poland, 16,372,436 vaccinations against COVID-19 have already been performed! Those fully vaccinated? That's almost five million Poles
A total of 18 618 220 doses have been delivered to Poland so far.
Dr Karol Nawrocki z ważną nominacją! Naukowiec znalazł się w składzie komitetu doradczego muzeum powstającego w USA
Na przednim cokole Memoriału widnieje napis: „To the more than one hundred million victims of communism and to those who love liberty” („Ponad stu milionom ofiar komunizmu i tym, którzy kochają wolność…
Rafał Trzaskowski tried to prove that local government officials in Poland "took responsibility into their own hands" during the pandemic
…all this worth around 7 million PLN - came from the government. If it were not for this, these hospitals would simply not have been able to cope with the pandemic at all — he said.
From 10 May all adults will be able to register for vaccination
We have exceeded 9 million implemented vaccinations in Poland. The system is accelerating all the time.
More than 6.5 thousand new infections. 284 people died.
More than 2 million vaccinations have already been carried out in Poland. Tłum. K.J.
An important appeal by the Prime Minister on wPolsce.pl TV: Let's be patient. "As soon as the vaccines arrive we will be able to vaccinate 10 million people per month"
It is easy to count that multiplied by 30 days in a month means that we can vaccinate over 10 million people a month. — he stresses.
One million coronavirus vaccines have already been administered in Poland. We are in the process of vaccinating: "Another important stage is behind us"
One million vaccines already administered are behind us — informed the head of the Chancellery, Michał Dworczyk , the government plenipotentiary for the vaccination programme.
Prime Minister in the Sejm: We want Poland to be a strong country in a strong Europe, but we will not agree to be blackmailed
Around 2 million Poles have left our country and work for our partners in the EU.
Polish involvement in the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund has reached the level of €750 million
The Polish State Development Bank (BGK), represented at Virtual Summit by Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, just announced an additional investment of €250 million into the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund…
Charges against the well-known lawyer Roman Giertych and businessman Ryszard K. Allegations of appropriation and removal from the developer company amounting to PLN 92 million
It concerned the acquisition by Polnord S.A. of „worthless debts of Prokom Investments S.A. in the amount of almost PLN 73 million”.
M. Karnowski: The Prime Minister convinced the Poles, because he answered the fundamental question: “what has been done to get ready for the second wave?”
In the Stock Reserve Agency alone, there are several million masks, half a billion gloves and many other items of equipment. (…) We have also increased our testing capacity.