Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
In parallel the EU must be able to provide international protection to those who genuinely need it, in accordance with the Geneva Convention, based on existing international and national legal instruments…
Protest of the American Polonia. Hundreds of people protested against Act 447. "We will take care of historical truth"
Congress is through legal means, not through street protests — was written in a letter by its president, Frank Spula.
Potwierdziło się. Zastępczyni Adama Bodnara przechodzi do Wiosny: "Przyjęłam zaproszenie Roberta Biedronia"
Była stypendystką Legal Fellowship Program i uczestniczką zajęć International Women’s Human Rights Clinic, City University of New York. Jest także współzałożycielką Fundacji Klinika Rządzenia.
Resentment in Poland against falsification of history by Andrea Mitchell from MSNBC. What did the journalist forget about?
We support free and open historical expression and research on all aspects of the Holocaust so that it can be conducted without any fear of legal obstacles, including but not limited to students, teachers…
Duży przewoźnik lotniczy przechytrzył kancelarie odszkodowawcze
…prasowym, wezwał klientów z ważnymi roszczeniami odszkodowawczymi EU261 do się bezpośrednio do przewoźnika, a tym samym do unikania „łowców roszczeń” takich, jak Bott & Co, Fairplane, Hayward Baker, Sky Legal…
Spring - Robert Biedroń's new party has been inaugurated. This is a serious problem for Civic Platform (PO)
Warsaw councillor Paulina Piechnna-Więckiewicz (responsible for family policy in the party), program director of the movement, Dariusz Standerski (he will deal with economic policy) and an expert on legal…
Prime Minister Morawiecki in an interview for CNBC: The conflict with Brussels is constantly being politicised. Many want to make Poland a scapegoat
Morawiecki pointed out that in recent months, as a result of talks and negotiations with the European Commission, Poland has introduced many changes to the Polish legal system, which, in his opinion, constitute…
Niepokojące doniesienia ws. Euroweek! Indoktrynacja światopoglądowa i nauczycielka od "Tęczowego Piątku"
Ale to nie opis fotografii przykuwa uwagę, a treść kartek, które trzyma razem z wolontariuszem. „ Does abortion need to be legal?” („Czy należy zalegalizować aborcję?”)…
Mr Trump, whom have you sent us? How did Ambassador Mosbacher manage to alienate half of Poland?
…and later in a letter to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Mosbacher significantly broadened the range of the ambassador’s function, reproaching Polish politicians so that they did not dare to adopt legal…
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
The first panel focused on approximating the legal and historical aspects of the current situation. The second panel addressed the issue how compensation affects Polish-German relations.
The President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska unmasks the opposition's actions: "This is a political fight, it is supposed to lead to anarchy and lawlessness in Poland
This is a political fight involving such tools as relativism, discretion, and legal nihilism. As a result, it is supposed to lead to anarchy and lawlessness in Poland.
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
Only provisions applicable in the long-term and accepted by all actors, are able to guarantee transparency, legal security, and sustainability of rules, which is indispensable for the implementation of…
President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
And how to classify imposing on us what the Polish legal system should look like and who should rule in it?…
OPINION. The courts were to prevent the reconstruction of Poland. Their reform had to trigger an attack so that Poland would not get out of the nets
It is about reforming the judiciary in Poland and the response to it of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Venice Commission, various legal bodies both national and international, and…
OUR INTERVIEW. Merkel is beating her breast for opening the borders? Prof. Legutko: "This disqualifies Germany as a leading country in the EU"
The content of the agreement on migration contains a de facto attempt to transform illegal migration into legal migration.
President Andrzej Duda has no doubt: Moscow's imperial ambitions are obvious, therefore we must strengthen NATO's eastern flank
In both cases, the legal borders of both countries have not been restored to this day. The late President of Poland Lech Kaczyński predicted the situation.
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
However, as he said, these parties „betrayed Christ” because where they rule, abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriages are legal. We want a return to Christ; we want a return to normality.
The Council of Europe adopted a resolution calling on Russia to hand over the wreckage of the Polish Air Force Tu-154M!
After analyzing the factual and legal status, they indicated that under the rules of the Chicago Convention, the wreckage should be returned to Poland.
Polish President in “Bild”: WW2 reparations are not settled. The wartime losses inflicted on Poland have never been compensated
I absolutely disagree with the opinion that our current regulations restrict the rights of judges or are at odds with legal norms. — he indicated.
Warsaw has lost the fortune equivalent to the cost of building 40 metro stations
…of return decisions, while the return decisions issued during the presidency of the late Lech Kaczyński accounts for only 5% of return decisions, although in the entire period which was examined, the legal…