Eurogrupa zaakceptowała trzeci program "pomocy" dla Grecji. Kwota - nawet 86 mld euro
W zamian za wsparcie Ateny zobowiązały się do przeprowadzenia natychmiastowych reform (tzw. prior actions) jeszcze zanim program pomocy zostanie uruchomiony.
Blow struck straight to the heart of the opposition. Professor Kołodko: "The budget situation is even better than what the government had assumed"
What’s more, the government itself should be surprised by the results of its actions.
Here is a brief reminder of how the government of Donald Tusk treated journalists
Former editor of Wprost hopes that, in connection with today’s publication of Onet, the present government will not take such actions as its predecessors from the Civic Platform.
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
Poland actively supports all actions and initiatives aimed at preventing the use and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, as well as bringing the perpetrators using…
President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
I am worried about these lies about Poland, but I also understand the reasons for these actions: things are going well, both inside the country, as in the area of building Poland’s position regarding international…
Od obrony więźniów politycznych do promowania aborcji. Co się stało z Amnesty International?
Kiedyś sztandarowym projektem Amnesty International były tak zwane urgent actions — pilne akcje.
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
The lack of efficient actions of Polish authorities is primarily unfortunate for the victims who just want to hear the apology, and for natural reasons their number is getting smaller.
The President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska unmasks the opposition's actions: "This is a political fight, it is supposed to lead to anarchy and lawlessness in Poland
I take this kind of actions as a signal that the Constitution is important. And I appreciate it. I am also happy that it is finally being read.
Jarosław Kaczyński: the opposition’s been losing over the last months. But if they hope that it will dull our vigilance, they are wrong
And how else can we qualify the actions of Schetyna, if not calling for rebellion, breaking the law? 9. About freedom.
Independence 1918. When Poland was born again
The actions of Józef Piłsudski, his camp and all those who actively joined the process of regaining independence on Polish lands, turned out to be crucial in 1918.
The Council of Europe adopted a resolution calling on Russia to hand over the wreckage of the Polish Air Force Tu-154M!
It is also the next step of an international organization that condemns Russia for its actions. Tłum. KJ…
Spór o słowa: „Niemieckie obozy” i „niemieckie zbrodnie” w niemieckiej i polskiej narracji historycznej
Besides, their actions were not genocide, but so-called “acts of war”, and therefore permitted by international law.
Jim Caviezel: "Jesus is above all else". Spiritual interview with hollywood star
He wants to be in us, in all the simplest actions. I’ve just remembered that long ago you rejected a role in „X-Men”.
Polskie firmy chętnie sięgają po naukowców i ekspertów zza granicy
Polskie firmy i instytucje naukowe coraz częściej współpracują z zagranicznymi naukowcami. Dzięki unijnemu programowi Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) do Polski przyjechało pracować ponad 660 badaczy z całego świata.
Dość kłamstw o Polsce! Przeczytaj po polsku, niemiecku, angielsku i francusku - przekaż zagranicznym znajomym!
Unfortunately, their actions get the world’s attention although they do not deserve it.
"Warto podążąć drogą prawdy". List otwarty do Swietłany Aleksijewicz. Po polsku i angielsku. PODAWAJMY DALEJ
This appalling crime was an effect of the ignorance of the communist authorities (we call those times a “second occupation”) and the provocative actions carried out by the communistic secret police.
Tysiące Polaków w Irlandii walczy o życie psa skazanego na uśpienie i apeluje do ministra Sikorskiego o wsparcie
Wystosowali oni apel do ministra Radosława Sikorskiego z prośbą o interwencję i pomoc Polce, bezskutecznie walczącej ożycie swojego psa: https://www.causes.com/actions/1757193-w-obronie-polki-i-jej-psa-lamanie-praw-czlowieka-i-dyskryminacja…
Publikujemy oryginalną, angielską wersję listu Macieja Pawlickiego w sprawie filmu "Smoleńsk" do redaktora naczelnego "New York Timesa"
Dan Bilefsky talks about actions by the Polish pilots, including their decision to attempt a perilous landing in dense fog. The truth is, however, that the Polish pilots did not make this decision.
"Raport o zagrożeniach wolności słowa w Polsce w latach 2010-2011" Stowarzyszenia PJN dostępny także po angielsku!
Through those actions, Gazeta Wyborcza, among other things, stigmatizes people or groups it wants to rule out and denounces views and opinions it does not share.
Cenzura w Parlamencie Europejskim? Oto "zakryte" i zakazane opisy zdjęć wystawy o tragedii smoleńskiej
Such actions are in dramatic contrast to the principles of investigating aircraft accidents in the EU.