The President awarded the Poles who saved Jews during the war. Moving words: "You are the pride of the Republic of Poland. You are heroes"
The President said that he was satisfied that the Republic of Poland remembers its heroes and added „that their memory and, above all, their testimony about what they have done is cherished not only on…
"Sieci': Scientific mystification. In the ghetto in Bochnia Germans were helped in the crime by Jewish policemen - in the book "Ahead is the Night..." they were replaced by "Polish"
After extended explorations involving even removing the floor, the above mentioned bunker was finally found. The father and brothers of witness Ari Schanzer were taken from the bunker.
Dr. Gontarczyk about the conference in Paris: an embarrassing spectacle, which has little in common with science, but is extremely dangerous for Poland
Here, the main goal and object were Poles: those who really committed evil deeds against Jews, and above all those to whom - in the collective and individual dimension - such guilt could be imputed by…
Is it possible to do something about hate speech? Wildstein: Unfortunately not. All ideas come down to censorship on the Internet
…Above all, I can hear various censorship measures. In France, in the fight against hate speech, but not only there, you can convict someone for anti-abortion speeches.
“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away
…Above all, the lack of freedom is particularly tiresome. If the wind is blowing hard, you can’t move outside the main station building even for a few weeks.
Strong words of Minister Czaputowicz for "Handelsblatt": Nord Stream 2 destroys the effects of sanctions. It kills Ukraine
When the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is interrupted, the country will not only lose serious revenues, but above all the guarantee of protection against further Russian aggression. — he explained…
A decay of the anti-Polish separatism in Silesia?
This is one of the examples of rhetoric employed by the Silesian Regional Party, often accompanied by glorification of the German Wehrmacht, negation of the Silesian uprisings and the above mentioned sentiment…
Prof. Paruch: No party was as successful as Law and Justice (PiS)
However, they are still above the parliamentary threshold.
Twarz #metoo oskarżona o molestowanie. Co na to kobiety?
…„New York Times” podał, że włoska aktorka została oskarżona o molestowanie seksualne nieletniego aktora Jimmy Bennetta, który 5 lat temu w filmie „The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things” grał jej syna…
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
The fact that it is still a living subject, which requires discussion and working out a common position of both countries, and above all introducing mechanisms leading to redress, is evidenced by exceptionally…
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
It is us who are rightly expected to be courageous and active, able to rise above divisions, determined in our search for solutions to the most pressing issues of the contemporary world.
OPINION. The courts were to prevent the reconstruction of Poland. Their reform had to trigger an attack so that Poland would not get out of the nets
But all the above mentioned forces immediately reacted to it, so that Poland would not get out of their nets.
EXCLUSIVE. Prof. Żaryn appeals: State representatives should not appear on TVN until the issue of “Hitler's birthday party” has been clarified
All this indicates that the foundation of the whole operation was a lie, which is a part of the creation of the above-mentioned photo op.
OUR INTERVIEW. Merkel is beating her breast for opening the borders? Prof. Legutko: "This disqualifies Germany as a leading country in the EU"
Does Merkel place them above the interests of the community? Yes, it has always been so.
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
It has been shaped by the philosophy and wisdom of the Greeks, by Roman law, but above all - the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Decalogue — he emphasized.
Warsaw has lost the fortune equivalent to the cost of building 40 metro stations
It turned out that from this amount as much as PLN 70 million was obtained by close relatives of attorney Robert N, the above-mentioned justice clerk Marzena K. and Janusz P.; now all of them are in custody…
Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna krąży nad Polską
Jednym z najlepszych tego typu serwisów jest Heavens Above (http://www.heavens-above.com/). Są też bezpłatne, przeznaczone do tego celu programy komputerowe. ann/ PAP…
Dość kłamstw o Polsce! Przeczytaj po polsku, niemiecku, angielsku i francusku - przekaż zagranicznym znajomym!
Given the above, what the opposition is currently doing and how international media outlets are depicting my country seems even more outrageous.
ABOVE & BEYOND - nie usłyszycie tu elektronicznych bitów ZOBACZ KONCERT
Materiał, który zaskakuje i udowadnia, że Above & Beyond to nie tylko DJ ’e i producenci, ale przede wszystkim znakomici muzycy.
Dyktatura poprawności politycznej robi swoje. ALEC BALDWIN znów homofobem?
W pyskówce z byłym osobistym asystentem Mitta Romneya Garrettem Jacksonem na temat filmu dokumentalnego “Above All Else” o globalnym ociepleniu i kapitalistach Baldwin napisał: Boli przegrana w wyborach…