OUR INTERVIEW. Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: The situation is very dangerous, the overall picture is not good. The time has come for Brussels to draw some conclusions
This is the information provided by the intelligence services of various countries, so I can also speak more openly about it. Are these also Polish sources? Yes, we also have such information.
GREAT ACTION: Support our boys defending Polish borders. Send a postcard to the heroes, show them your support!
Let the uniformed on duty see that Poland remembers them, thinks about them and is grateful to them.
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
There are 1,800 people in detention centres for foreigners and about 300 of them have decided to return to their home country, we provide them with a plane, a ticket and a „good layette” - informed Prime…
ECR Group is concerned for the former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili's state of health
The ECR Group in the European Parliament is deeply concerned about the worsening health condition of Mikheil Saakashvili, the former pro-western President of Georgia, who was arrested upon his return…
Jacek Karnowski: We should not forget Saakashvili."He is getting weaker every day and has suffered four critical situations while in detention"
Today, we should also remember about him. This politician in particular deserves to be treated with dignity and honesty. Also on account of his work for Georgia. Tłum. K.J.
EXCLUSIVELY. Can Poland give in to the EU? Jacek Saryusz-Wolski: There is nothing to give way in; we cannot go backwards
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski is not afraid that blocking the National Recovery Plan (KPO) could be a problem for Poland: Only a firm „no” will result in a change on the other side and only this will bring about…
The new law on defence of the homeland. Deputy Prime Minister Kaczyński: A state lying on the border of NATO and the EU should possess a significant power of deterrence
Then it has a deterrent power that makes a possible opponent think about whether war is worthwhile. That is what it is all about at the moment — he noted.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
We have information from both intelligence and diplomatic sources that ordinary Belarusians are more and more confused and worried about what is happening.
The biggest attempt to forcefully break through the border. Border Guard: a group of almost 200 migrants forced its way through; we detained 140 people
Lieutenant Michalska was asked about the situation at the border on Tuesday on Radio Plus. Migratory pressure is still at a very high level.
German labour camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź (1942–1945)
Artur Ossowski (Chief of the Branch Office for National Education in Łódź) Watch the IPN’s documentary about the camp, here available in English, Hebrew, Russian, French, German and Spanish Source: IPN…
Did the Americans at Discovery know about the humiliation of workers at TVN? Former cameraman: the American dream has become a nightmare
We naively thought that the Americans might not know about these pathologies. That is why we filed a notice against them. We asked for anonymity and to be contacted only by the American side.
82nd anniversary of the joint parade of the Third Reich and the USSR in Brest. Wehrmacht and Red Army soldiers celebrated the victory over Poland
All attempts of such agitation on their territories will be eliminated, and both sides will inform each other about the measures taken for these purposes”. Tłum. K.J.
14th Katyn March of Shadows. "Tribute to nearly 22 thousand Polish citizens murdered by the Soviets in 1940"
…About 150 reenactors from various parts of Poland dressed in Polish Army, Border Protection Corps and State Police uniforms have taken part in this year’s march.
Fogiel after the CJEU decision on Turów: They might as well have demanded the bombardment of the entire site. It would have a similar effect
…discretion; a decision which is excessively far-reaching, because, in fact, closing the mine today would result in the closure of the power plant and, in principle, there would be nothing left to talk about…
ECR MEPs warn against hybrid warfare at the EU-Belarusian border. "This crisis is extremely dangerous and particularly delicate"
We know that about 10,000 people are waiting to be taken through Poland to Germany, Sweden and other countries.”…
Gliński: We won't be pushed out of the EU. "We demand a partnership within the European Union - this is guaranteed to us by the European Treaty"
Asked about the further course of events, he replies: We are still standing firm. We will not be pushed out of the Union, either.
Pope Francis expresses his joy at the beatification of Cardinal Wyszyński and Mother Elizabeth Rosa Czacka. "May God bless Poland"
Saint John Paul II spoke the historic words about Cardinal Wyszyński: There would not have been this Pope-Pole on the See of Peter if it had not been for your faith, which did not shrink from imprisonment…
Why is Budapest becoming 'our home' for the conservative elites of the Western world
The cross-generational flow of ideas One might say that there is nothing unusual about this.
Powerful statement from the Prime Minister in Slovenia: We do not want to be taught by anyone from Western Europe what democracy is
We have a much longer tradition and we don’t want to be lectured by anyone from Western Europe about what democracy is, what the rule of law is, because we know it best.
Evacuation from Afghanistan. Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We stood firm to the very end of our mission as a faithful and valuable ally
The first plane carrying evacuees landed in Warsaw on Wednesday 18 August, and the evacuation mission itself lasted about a week.