Another witness is reporting a bribe to Grodzki: 7,000 zlotys for the operation. "He didn't even bat his eyelid"
After a while mom left the office. She had a tear in her eye. And she said to us: „You know, guys, he didn’t even bat his eyelid.
The German publicist praises the freedom of the media in Poland:" You have a choice, you can get an opinion. It is no longer possible in Germany"
…While I know a lot of left-wing journalists. And this is another difference in comparison with Poland explains Reitschuster, who for 16 years was a correspondent of the weekly „Focus” in Moscow.
Prime Minister: Our country excels at reconciling social goals with development goals
Poland is able to contribute considerable funds to social policies, fulfil its obligations towards NATO and invest in developing the infrastructure, all the while stabilising its budgetary situation —…
Business Council of Growing Europe established in Davos. "By joining our forces we can raise awareness about the dynamism and innovation"
It offers economic, political, and social stability while generating stable economic growth throughout economic cycles.
EXCLUSIVE. Prof. Jan Żaryn critically about the Israeli journalist
…known that Polish lands were under German and Soviet occupation during the Second World War; the borders between the two occupations were changing, which was a result of the variability of warfare, while…
Chavs and hooligans, or maybe educated and well-off? Who are the participants of the Independence March? SURVEY
Moreover, the average net income of a participant of this event is PLN 5545 (with the average remuneration in the fourth quarter of 2018 amounting to PLN 3531 according to the Central Statistical Office), while…
We know the composition of the new government! Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki: This will be a highly efficient and fine team
…While announcing the composition of the new government, the Prime Minister announced that a new ministry will be established - a Ministry of Funds Management Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak is the candidate…
Has the West finally come to terms with the will of the Poles?
Catalonia is on fire and there will probably be a collapse of the local government, while the European Union remains calm, which shows that different positions of Brussels towards different countries have…
Sejm for Law and Justice. And who will rule the Senate?
The candidates supporting the Law and Justice party won 49 seats in the Senate (the upper house of the Polish Parliament), while the candidates of various opposition committees won Senate seats in 51 districts…
Poles in favor of LGBT partnerships? No, it's not true! Is anyone trying to manipulate society and politicians? IMPORTANT research!
According to the survey, 57% of respondents were in favour of homosexual partnerships, while only 38% were against them.
Is a record turnout coming soon? CBOS survey: As many as 77% of Poles declared their intention to participate in the elections
The upcoming vote is of interest to 72% of respondents, while in the case of 40% of respondents this interest is high.
Wiemy, kto zastąpi Boltona. Trump mianował nowego doradcą ds. bezpieczeństwa. "Robert będzie robił dobrą robotę!"
W 2016 roku wydał książkę „While America Slept: Restoring American Leadership to a World in Crisis” (Podczas gdy Ameryka spała: przywracanie amerykańskiego przywództwa światu pogrążonemu w kryzysie), która…
Prime Minister visits the Jasna Góra Shrine of Our Lady. "Poland has to be united"
Jasna Góra is a place where faith and patriotism live, which for centuries now has stood as a bastion of the Polish spirit, traditions and culture, while protecting the ideas of Christendom — said the…
An important ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal (TK) concerning the printer and the LGBT. "The right to act in accordance with one's conscience”
The Court held that the provision providing for punishment of someone who, while professionally providing services, „intentionally refuses to provide the service he is obliged to provide without due cause…
A redundant IKEA employee: I had a contract to sell furniture, and they introduced an article saying that it was an obligation to implement LGBT values
IKEA, while explaining itself, emphasizes: „There was a risk that the personal dignity of other employees might be violated”. Tłum. K.J.
Tarczyński zaprasza deputowaną Demokratów: Będziesz mogła porównać, czym różnią się niemieckie obozy od ośrodków antyimigranckich
…While under German Nazi occupation, a number of concentration camps were set up in my country, Poland.
Polish authorities: we expect a proper investigation to be carried out after the attack on the Polish ambassador to Israel Marek Magierowski
The Israeli police informed that the attacker approached Magierowski while he was sitting in his car and then spat at the diplomat.
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
…While preparing for the challenges ahead we need to preserve the achievements of the EU and apply equal approach to all the Member States.
Strong reaction of publicists to the scandalous words of Professor Śpiewak. "We appeal for an end to the devastation of Polish public life"
It seems, however, that such a well-deserved representative of Polish science should use substantive arguments while discussing the views of Paweł Lisicki.
Prof. Roszkowski: Sexualisation of children, undermining sexual identity of people and destruction of the family is the beginning of the end of civilisation
Previously, Western civilization defended itself; it was consolidated and expanded in the world, while the 1960s are a period of breakthrough, in which destructive factors intensified and started to affect…