Jarosław Kaczyński: the opposition’s been losing over the last months. But if they hope that it will dull our vigilance, they are wrong
On the Polish-Israeli joint declaration: Under these circumstances, obtaining a statement from the State of Israel, in which there is a very brief, true description of the history of these years, where…
Prayers, flowers and candles laid on the graves of loved ones. Poles visit cemeteries. PICTURES
During these days Poles also commemorate their compatriots abroad, whether in countries where the Polish emigration is large, as in the United States, or where the Polish people and their heritage have…
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
In all the places where, after the end of conflicts, it is necessary to restore stability and provide development opportunities.
President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
Permanent American military bases have proven themselves as a guarantee of security, as was observed during the years of the Cold War, where they showed their stabilizing power.
Where do the attacks on the prime minister come from? Piotrowicz for wPolsce.pl: "This hard-hitting approach was adopted after Schetyna's visit to Merkel"
…"When Poland was being stolen away and when the constitution was being broken, these media were not heard in Poland".
Sexist scandal involving the Civic Platform (EPP) politician. Such vulgarity and primitive sexism have not been seen in Poland for a long time
The resignation of the president of Legionowo is related to his statements during the election meeting, where, among others, he told sexist jokes about the female candidates of his committee standing for…
OUR INTERVIEW. Gliński responds to the "FAZ" attacks: These are lies used for political struggle
We believe that culture must be pluralistic; however we need to introduce some corrections in the areas where we are way behind as a result of the monopoly and oppression of the previous government.
Keith Botsford nie żyje. Pisarz i człowiek Renesansu zmarł w Londynie 19 sierpnia 2018 roku. Miał 90 lat
Everyone knows that he goes where no one else goes and sees what others don’t see. He’s a voyager and forever displaced. His books are neither central nor marginal.
Poland is not the 17th Land of Germany - the sooner it sinks into the consciousness of the political elite in Berlin, the better
One’s point of view depends on the point where one is seated.
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
There are municipalities in Denmark where Muslims do not allow a Christmas tree to stand on the city square.
Unveiling of the monument to the President Lech Kaczyński on November 10, 2018
Next, the participants of the mass will go to Piłsudzki Square, where, opposite the Warsaw Garrison, the unveiling of the monument will take place. The state anthem and wreaths will be laid.
Poland reaches record-high economic growth in the 3rd quarter of 2018. The highest in the whole EU
The signals from our main trading partners (mainly Germany) may be a bit disturbing, where GDP fell by 0.2% compared to the previous quarter, although it still grew by 1.2% compared to the corresponding…
"Siódmy krąg". Odkrywanie przeszłości. Fragment książki
I follow path not quite knowing where it will lead or where the story will take me…” Laura Poitras W maju 2013, w kilka dni potem jak skończyłam pisac „Miasteczko”, otrzymałam z Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej…
Mit o niegościnności Polaków runął z hukiem. Młoda Syryjka w kilku słowach obnażyła manipulacje. Czy w ŚDM media przestaną wreszcie kłamać?
Gdy na pytanie „where are you from” odpowiedziała: „z Syrii, z Aleppo”, reporter wpadł w konsternację. Z przejęciem zapytał o sytuację w jej kraju. Nie jest bezpiecznie.
"Warto podążąć drogą prawdy". List otwarty do Swietłany Aleksijewicz. Po polsku i angielsku. PODAWAJMY DALEJ
However, the saddest part of the interview was the one where you stated that the life of Jewish people was considered less important than the life of other nations caught in the fire of the War.
Liroy napisał list do Bono: „Twoja wiedza jest daleka od prawdy”. Donald Tusk też zabrał głos
I do recall so many of your nice comments about Poland, one of them in the long interview in Rolling Stone a few years back, that I feel obliged to help you understand where Poland is on the subject of…
Przegrana Anglii z Islandią na Mistrzostwach Europy jest jeszcze większym szokiem dla Brytyjczyków niż Brexit.
Komentator „The Telegraph” Paul Hayward, tak to ujął: „England’s ultimate humiliation: a country where governments crumble, markets collapse and the nation’s football team loses to Iceland”* Całkowite…
Mocne słowa dr Morawiec do Verhofstadta: Śmie pan uczyć nas demokracji? Kimże pan jesteś? Pierwszym sekretarzem nowego Kremla w Brukseli?!
I know, for example, where the first giant genocide in the world took place. It was in Kongo, during the reign of your king, Leopold II . There were about 10 millions of victims of your king’s greed.
Nagrody Grammy: Ed Sheeran z najlepszą piosenką i solowym występem pop
Z kolei statuetka za nagranie roku w kategorii muzyki dance trafiła do 22-letniego Justina Biebera oraz amerykańskich DJ -ów i producentów muzycznych Skrillexa i Diplo za utwór „Where Are U Now”.
Wszystkie hity Joe Cockera w jednym wydawnictwie na rocznicę śmierci muzyka
…„Up Where We Belong”, „N’oubliez jamais” czy „Hard Knocks”.