Polish MEPs: The justice system has not been reformed. A communist relic in a democratic state
We talked about what is necessary to be implemented and what the Law and Justice government has undertaken.
The unique "Sieci" investigation: Who were the ancestors of Jesus of Nazareth? What dark secrets did their lives hide?
…What dark secrets did their lives hide? What crimes did they commit? - a fascinating investigation by Grzegorz Górny in the new edition of the weekly „Sieci”.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Man of Liberty 2019 of the weekly Sieci!
This is what our readers appreciated when they put forward Prime Minister Morawiecki’s candidacy in a contest. Among the winners so far were: Minister of Culture and National Heritage Prof.
Rainbow activists broke into a conference on gender and LGBT. Rev. Prof. Oko: "This is a foretaste of what awaits us when they take over power"
It is a foretaste of what awaits us when they take power — said Rev. Prof. Dariusz Oko, commenting on the behaviour of LGBT activists.
What is that supposed to mean?! Tusk „shooting at Trump's back". Internet users are appalled
…What is that supposed to mean?! Donald Tusk posted a controversial photo on Twitter with a supposedly funny comment. Internet users are mad at him.
O co naprawdę chodzi w rosyjskich atakach? Jaką strategię przyjęły polskie władze, w tym prezydent? "Wiedzą, że to tylko przygrywka przed głównym uderzeniem"
President Reuven Rivlin declared, „We will come together to think about how to pass on Holocaust remembrance to generations who will live in a world without survivors, and what steps we must take to ensure…
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. "President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately"
Not for its own interest, but for the sake of what Europe means. Signed on 23 August 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was not a “non-aggression pact.”…
President Duda: I don't see anything wrong with the fact that, like in other countries, regulations concerning judges have been introduced in our country
The regulations that will clearly define what judges should not do, how they should not act and how they should not express themselves are, as we can see over the years, urgently needed in Poland — he…
"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
At the same time, the range of territorial acquisitions planned in this pact by the Soviet Union exceeded even what was supposed to be received by Adolf Hitler’s Reich.
Jacek Karnowski: Remarkable response from the British people to manipulation and tricks of the establishment [OPINION]
At the same time, however, when one saw what the left-liberal establishment was doing to stop Brexit, there was no doubt that the stakes were actually higher than membership in the Union.
Joe Biden uderza w Donalda Trumpa fake newsem z Agatą Kornhauser-Dudą! "Nie możemy dać mu jeszcze czterech lat"
They see him for what he really is: dangerously incompetent and incapable of world leadership. We cannot give him four more years as commander in chief — napisał Biden.
Is this what he was after? The Pro-Kremlin media quote Braun. A politician of the Confederation spoke of the US army in Poland as „betrayal"
The vast majority of Poles support the American military presence in Poland.
Lewica postawi na Zandberga? Lidera Partii Razem do startu w wyborach prezydenckich namawiać ma Aleksander Kwaśniewski
If u know what I mean. Hasłem wyżej w 2008 roku swoją kampanię zainaugurował 44. Prezydent USA Barack Obama. #2020 —napisał wówczas lider Wiosny.
EXCLUSIVE. Prof. Jan Żaryn critically about the Israeli journalist
…view of historical truth and the lack of reaction from the Jewish side of journalists condemning this type of journalism is also disgraceful, because it does not facilitate Polish-Jewish relations, and what…
"Poles were not on holiday. They were imprisoned and executed". Polish ambassadors and the head of the American Congress of Jews react
Yet, He chose to pick up a twitter fight, which makes you wonder what level of „show off” diplomacy does the ambassador promote — stated Cicurel.
Internauci zachwyceni wyczynem Polaka w Londynie: "Tego Sienkiewicz by nie wymyślił"; "Well done Lukasz!"; "Ten kieł to absolutny hit"
This is what I call bravery — zaznacza Viktória Serdült. Extincteur et dent de Narval sur le London Bridge!!! 😆🖒👏 CT Darwinisme Extinguisher and Narwhal tusk !!…
Prime Minister: Small ZUS-plus will help small businesses spread their wings
By fulfilling this promise we show what credibility is and how important it is to keep your word — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
Tusk: „I will not stand as a candidate in the upcoming presidential election". What will the opposition do now?
Tusk is a candidate for the head of the European People's Party; the new leader of the EPP is to be elected on 20 November at a congress in Zagreb.
This is our wreck. See unknown photos. "This is all that remains of the machine which crashed in Smolensk on 10 April 2010"
These are the first photographs of what remains of the government plane in several years. Both rooms where Polish prosecutors worked in September 2018 and this May can be seen in the photographs.
Śpiewak lost the trial and got a huge penalty: "We have an increasingly authoritarian justice system"
For what? For the fact that I dared to recognize that if a lawyer buys claims and takes over buildings it is a wild reprivatization.