Piotr Semka has a great love for the Miraculous Picture of Our Lady of Jasna Góra. Let us pray for his health through Her intercession
We were then able - thanks to the kindness of the Fathers - to participate in an exceptional Holy Mass in the part right before the painting. The photo above was taken at that very moment.
The German killing machine. "From the outset of the war, Poles continued their fight for freedom"
Camp guards were advised to use harsh punishments, e.g. confinement in darkened cells, isolation, beating or even the death penalty.
The celebration of the National Day of Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under German Occupation - Toruń, 24 March 2021
In his speech, President of the Institute of National Remembrance Jarosław Szarek, pointed out that despite the cruelty of the German occupiers, murdering innocent people, there were Poles who chose good…
The 11th National Accursed Soldiers Remembrance Day. "They were equally branded and doomed to oblivion"
However, the nickname also reflected the fact that the soldiers who offered armed resistance to Soviet and communist enslavement were equally branded and doomed to oblivion by the political establishment…
What do Poles think of restrictions? Supporters of the status quo slightly outnumber those in favour of easing restrictions
In favour of the tightening of epidemic rigour were 21% of respondents.
President Obajtek: There have been many attempts to persuade us that capital has no nationality. But these were nothing but lies
But these were nothing but lies. Those lies were designed to keep us asleep and to allow wild privatisations to take place. This should not even have been called privatisation.
People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
At the necropolis where Polish officers shot by the NKVD in 1940 are commemorated, an exhibition commemorating the victims of an entirely different war who died and were buried hundreds of kilometres away…
90th anniversary of the revelations of St Faustina. Merciful Jesus image the most popular image of Christ in the world
In the meantime, other paintings of the Merciful Jesus were being created, but there was another problem: the Polish Episcopate’s objections to the cult. Over time, this resistance was overcome.
"The Church cannot remain silent". Centre for Religious Freedom Research at the UKSW has been established
In those times churches were a place of asylum, something sacred; a place where ZOMO was afraid to enter. (…) Today you may say anything, except that you are a believer in Christ — he said.
Changes to the advertising tax? What about local media? PM: The tax must be fair and structured in the proper way
The head of the government was asked whether modifications were possible in the bill on ad tax.
Apart from the preservation of historical truth from manipulation, the security of the whole country, its citizens and residents are at stake here
By the way, the Poles were the first nation the Germans had selected for extermination in the Auschwitz death camp. But it is not about bargaining who suffered first or who lost more lives.
The Phenomenon of Polishness, an interview with Bolesław Orłowski
They were selected with respect to their originality, for example the first manufacturer of pharmaceutical products in Galicia. And also, of course, on account of belonging to the Polish nation.
We have now come to the point where a "Wyborcza" journalist publicly behaves like a regular boor towards a woman. "Is this how they treat their loved ones?"
Does Paweł Wroński, a Jagiellonian University graduate from an era when diplomas were not yet given out for free, think with this kind of language?…
Sad news! The life of Mr Sławek could not be saved. A Polish man who had stayed in hospital in Plymouth has died
The man’s sister and mother, who both live in Poland, were against the decision.
The new issue of the weekly “Sieci”: The Polish elites. What is the reason for such a huge disgrace among influential celebrities, politicians and actors?
In fact, they turn out to be small people who, at the moment of a real test of solidarity, followed the path of those who were allowed more in the communist Poland.
Farewell to "Lala". Lidia Lwow-Eberle has passed away. So, what does the generation of 1920 leave us with?
She said that what they were doing was not then called „patriotism”. It was not patriotism at all. Defending the Homeland was an obvious thing. That is what they were.
Yet another explosion in a Polish shop in the Netherlands. The owner of the store is criticising the police: They’re slow. They said they would take action
All the shops damaged in 2020 were called ‘Biedronka’, but were not associated with a well-known Polish chain of stores. Tłum. K.J.
Celebrities, actors and famous left-liberal journalists have been vaccinated out of line. The public is shocked
Krzysztof Materna, TVN programme director Edward Miszczak with his girlfriend, singer Magda Umer, former Prime Minister Leszek Miller and several other celebrities, known for their left-liberal views, were…
Bolesna strata w środowisku Polonii Amerykańskiej. Marian „Mario” Ponanta kochał Polskę i Amerykę
The beautiful moments we shared will always speak of a great person that you were. No word can express how sorry I feel towards your unfortunate death. Nick: Unexpected, sad news. RIP Mario.
Don Gisu powraca z nowym klipem! Nawiązuje do "Skrzypka na dachu" i śpiewa: "Gdybym się zaszczepił...". WIDEO
WIDEO Nagranie „Fiddler Gisu on the Roof” opublikowano na youtube: „ Gdybym się zaszczepił…” Na melodię znanej piosenki „If I Were a Rich Man” z musicalu „Skrzypek na dachu” Posobkiewicz śpiewa po angielsku…