Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
Despite the fact that talks on the Polish-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact had been taking place since 1926, Moscow still expressed a hostile attitude towards the Second Polish Republic in the second half of…
The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) announces the sixth edition of the international "Witness of History" award
…country and supporting the IPN in its activity in the field of education, research and publishing (e.g. collecting relics related to Polsih history, searching for, collecting and archiving documents, taking…
Więźniowie stanu wojennego piszą do liderów unijnych instytucji: Wyrażamy oburzenie z powodu obojętności na sytuację we Francji
Treating people with this brutality, taking away their right to express their opinion in matter that is important for them, taking away their jobs and their peace – it all brings memories of the darkest…
Prime Minister: Our country excels at reconciling social goals with development goals
Mateusz Morawiecki also addressed the situation in the Middle East by expressing his hope that the tensions would be defused and informing about his meeting with President Andrzej Duda, taking place on…
Business Council of Growing Europe established in Davos. "By joining our forces we can raise awareness about the dynamism and innovation"
In the ten years since we founded Prezi in Hungary—having started in the middle of an economic recession and taking on formidable competition with Microsoft, Apple and Google—we have grown our business…
Andrzej Duda is far ahead of his rivals, Hołownia growing in strength but taking the votes away from the opposition candidates
The support for Szymon Hołownia is also growing, but he is taking away the votes from other opposition candidates.
“Passports to Paraguay” in Jerusalem – 15 December 2019. How Poles saved Jews
I do not know whether it has been intended by the organizers or not, but today’s event is taking place just a few hundred meters from the grave of Oskar Schindler.
"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
…Taking advantage of the acceptance of Western countries, in 1944-1945 he led to the re-annexation of the eastern provinces of the Republic of Poland into the USSR and enslaved the rest of the country.
Clear standpoint of President Duda on Russia: They are not our enemies. It is a neighbour with whom we do not agree on all matters
We expect that the order that was established after the Second World War, as far as the borders are concerned, and also after ‘89, when the peaceful political changes were taking place (…), we do not agree…
This is our wreck. See unknown photos. "This is all that remains of the machine which crashed in Smolensk on 10 April 2010"
Unless the Russians return the wreck or at least allow it to be inspected by foreign experts and to be scanned by Polish specialised equipment, taking thousand more traditional photographs is pointless…
People popularizing Polish history appreciated. 5th edition of the ”Witness of History” Award
The Polish Hearth Club Polish in Turin (Italy) - the oldest Polish community organization operating in Italy promotes Polish history and culture, especially taking into account the memory of soldiers of…
Poles in favor of LGBT partnerships? No, it's not true! Is anyone trying to manipulate society and politicians? IMPORTANT research!
The graph without taking into account people who do not have opinions is as follows: We also asked a more far-reaching question about the more extensive plans of the LGBT lobby: In your opinion, should…
Jerzy Kwieciński appointed new Minister of Finance, Investment and Development
It is good that the new Minister of Finance is taking up his post at the moment when we are lowering taxes — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during the appointment ceremony of the new Minister…
Poland proposes specific solutions to combat disinformation
This year, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the North Atlantic Alliance, the conference is taking place in Warsaw.
President Duda in Bild: Reparations are a matter of responsibility and morals. The war we are talking about today caused huge losses in Poland
He took this opportunity to express his gratitude to the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steimer for taking part in the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II in Wieluń and…
Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sharply about former ambassadors, authors of a letter to Donald Trump: Harming and weakening Poland
Nevertheless, they are doing so and it is not so much a violation of the diplomatic protocol as simply taking off a certain curtain and showing that these people are closer to politicians and the electoral…
Polish Air Force Service Helping to unload the European sky
Polish air traffic controllers help Western Europe to unload the crowd in the European sky by taking over part of the air traffic over Germany — said Acting President of the Polish Air Navigation Services…
Michał Karnowski: Why does the Visegrad Group irritate so many people in the West?
It is therefore worth taking a broader look at this. There is no doubt that, since the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty, the way in which decisions are made in the EU has changed.
The 76th anniversary of the Volhynia Massacre - the IPN recalled
On the 76th anniversary of the Volhynia Massacre, the Institute of National Remembrance will participate in the commemorative events in honour of the victims, taking place in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Grudziądz,…
More than half of Poles support the Polish authorities' actions concerning reparations for war losses suffered during the German occupation
The distribution of votes taking into account only those with a well-defined opinion on this matter is as follows: In 1947, in a report published by the War Compensation Office, Polish losses were estimated…