Gigantyczny majątek rosyjskich oligarchów. Sankcjami objęto 1308 osób, a majątek tylko 28 z nich ma wartość 146,4 mld dolarów!
Lista osób objętych sankcjami Stanów Zjednoczonych powstała w oparciu o dane Biura Kontroli Aktywów Zagranicznych zgromadzonych w aplikacji Sanctions List Search.
Pyza and Wikło in new issue of "Sieci": Myths about Pegasus. George Soros' appearance in this story must set off alarm bells
…2017, together with other NGOs (including those of Soros), it issued an appeal calling for „the strongest possible measures to bring Poland back into compliance with EU law”, which was to result in sanctions…
The Ukrainian lesson: this is how little Germany is willing to sacrifice for the other European nations. Soon, they will trade us too
As Ukraine is encircled by Russian forces, it’s relying on Western allies to send weapons or threaten Russia with extreme sanctions to hold an invasion at bay.Many people in the German government don’t…
What about European solidarity? V4 leaders and President Macron answer questions from wPolityce.pl and "Sieci"!
The second thing is that we are also talking about sanctions.
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
With regard to sanctions and further economic and transport blockades, we are ready, and we want the Lukashenko regime to hear this. (…) We are ready for further economic sanctions, and if not at the EU…
"The way EU institutions exert pressure on Poland is scandalous". An open letter from Slovak public figures in defence of Poland
A letter in defence of Poland EU institutions have imposed financial sanctions on Poland and are preparing further penalties.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
Perhaps Lukashenko hopes that in this way he will force the European Union to lift sanctions, to recognise him as a legitimate president.
OUR SURVEY. Does the EU treat Poland with particular severity? "Poles are looking at the Union in an increasingly realistic and sober way"
Demands and sanctions are multiplying. Many observers believe that our country has become a training ground for Brussels.
ECR MEPs warn against hybrid warfare at the EU-Belarusian border. "This crisis is extremely dangerous and particularly delicate"
According to MEP Witold Waszczykowski , there is no doubt that the hybrid action against the whole EU is retaliation for the sanctions imposed on Belarus: Speaking in the Committee, Mr Waszczykowski said…
The Holy See has taken decisions concerning Archbishop Głódź and Bishop Janiak. Among others, an order to live outside their dioceses
Similar sanctions were taken against Senior Bishop of Kalisz Edward Janiak - an order to live outside the diocese of Kalisz and a ban on participation in any public religious celebrations or secular meetings…
Lobby proizraelskie, syjonizm chrześcijański i dyplomacja religijna. Philip Earl Steele: "Polska dysponuje potencjałem duchowym"
Dzięki jego wysiłkom w ok. 30 stanach zablokowano działalność ruchu BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), który domaga się bojkotu, izolacji i sankcji wobec Izraela.
USA wzmacniają sankcje na Nord Stream! Kuriozalna postawa UE
Stany Zjednoczone wprowadzają sankcje na Nord Stream 2, związane z ustawą Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). Unia Europejska twierdzi, że NS2 to „prywatny projekt”…
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
In addition, sanctions must first be reviewed by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The citizens of Hungary fully agree with this.
PM: Key negotiations are behind us. At stake was PLN 770 billion, thanks to which we will be able to develop faster
Moreover, a violation of the rule of law will not be tantamount to triggering sanctions.
"Solidarity" on the map of the world. "This is what the world looked like in the summer of 1980"
The test of the West’s reaction had so far been successful: the American sanctions were not too bothersome, and German and French friends of the Kremlin did not give up their plans to jointly build a large…
Amerykański ekspert: Waszyngton jest bliski zablokowania Nord Stream 2. Stany Zjednoczone utrzymują presję
Departamentu Stanu rozszerzył w lipcu sankcje na mocy ustawy CAATSA (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act), co może zagrozić firmom niemieckim.
USA chcą karać firmy za budowę Nord Stream 2. Niemiecki minister gospodarki: "Wciąż mamy nadzieję, że do tych sankcji nie dojdzie"
Sekretarz stanu USA Mike Pompeo zagroził w połowie lipca rozszerzeniem sankcji na mocy ustawy CAATSA (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act).
Bronisław Wildstein: Putin's goal is to rob Poland of its credibility
Minister Morawiecki is right that: In recent weeks, Russia has suffered several major setbacks: the attempt at total subjugation of Belarus has failed; the European Union has once again extended the sanctions…
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. "President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately"
In recent weeks Russia has suffered several significant defeats – it failed in its attempt to take complete control over Belarus, the EU once again prolonged sanctions imposed on it for illegal annexation…
Beata Szydło: EP resolution criticizing Poland for its civic bill is an expression of hysteria inspired by, among others, Mr. Biedroń
…(…) The government is not working on strengthening the sanctions for sexual education. First of all, this is not a government project — said the MP to the journalists.