In the latest issue of "Sieci”: So different and so much alike
The aim of the opposition should not be to take over power and, consequently, responsibility for the bankruptcy of its opponents’ policies, but to ensure control that would destroy their authoritarian plans…
Minister Czaputowicz: The return of the Tu-154M wreck is Russia's legal and moral obligation
As he admitted, during talks in Helsinki he heard that Russia has no plans to return the wreck.
Disturbing opposition plans. They want to see Poland partitioned?
Someone is trying to introduce into our public debate extremely harmful, Targowica-like plans for the next partition of the Polish state.
The outcome of the Duda-Trump meeting: more US troops in Poland and the purchase of 32 F-35 fighters
According to the document, the United States plans to increase its current military presence in Poland; this permanent presence will increase in the near future by about a thousand additional soldiers…
Jacek Karnowski: Whoever in Poland is fighting against God, loses [COMMENTARY]
But in the end there will also be a reflection that the ambitious plans of Poland’s secularization must be postponed for at least a few years, or maybe even a decade.
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
Third, a decade since the establishment of the Eastern Partnership, the EU has an opportunity to reflect on the initiative, take stock of the progress made and prepare ambitious plans for its future.
Where do they live? Do they plan to start a family? Interesting survey: There are currently 1.27 million Ukrainians in Poland
Selectivv emphasizes that this is more than twice as many as in the same period of last year, when plans related to family enlargement showed less than 5% of women.
15th anniversary of the death of General Ryszard Kukliński. "No one has done as much harm to communism as he has"
As Jack Strong, he handed over the strategic plans of the Warsaw Pact. In 1947 he began his service in the Polish Armed Forces.
OPINION. Well, that's already clear. The Great Revenge Party will stand up against the Law and Justice (PiS) party. This aggression against democracy must be opposed
Generally speaking, the political plans constructed by the Michnik centre, and this is exactly what we are dealing with, are unlikely to succeed. They are always too ideological. 7.
2019 is to be the most important year since 1989. The decisive year of the last three decades for Poland
We should also look at this achievement from the perspective of the achievements of our predecessors, as well as the plans of potential successors.
Odpowiadać, odpowiadać i jeszcze raz odpowiadać. List do prezesa Europejskiej Federacji Dziennikarzy. WERSJA POLSKA i ANGIELSKA
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155 Warsaw, 29 December 2015 1040 Bruxelles BELGIQUE Dear Mr President, Just few days ago the European Federation of Journalists has expressed its “growing concerns” at plans…
Tak więc: lans i plans, Panie... Z kolei brytyjska grupa Coldplay, zamiast słitfoci uchyliła rąbka tajemnicy na temat nowej płyty .
ABOVE & BEYOND - nie usłyszycie tu elektronicznych bitów ZOBACZ KONCERT
To pierwsze takie przedsięwzięcie zrealizowane przez artystów związanych ze sceną klubową. 11 przebojowych singli oraz jeden zupełnie nowy utwór zatytułowany „Making Plans”, w jakże oryginalnych wersjach…
Żądamy kategorycznego zakazu wydania polskich wiz "Nocnym Wilkom"
The information about plans of the „Night Wolves” gang to ride through the entire territory of Poland has already raised firmly negative feelings among the Polish citizens.
President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
Moreover, they act as a general deterrent; they were a factor that destroyed the Soviet military expansion plans proving to be a good guardian of Europe’s security.
Tomasz Poręba for the weekly ”Sieci”. We have succeeded! It was a match of Law and Justice (PiS) against the rest of the world. We have reasons to be very optimistic
We must present our actions and development plans. With regard to this group, we must be as substantive as possible.
Masquerade on request. How did the famous TVN "reportage" about Hitler's birthday celebration come into being? Surprising information
The event was to take place at the end of April, but the weather made the organizers’ plans impossible. Sobolewska stays at the party for a few hours.
Bart Bagniewski: I like to act and I feel emotionally tied to Poland
Speaking of the foundation’s goals, what are your plans related to its future activity? Poland’s priority is to strengthen and deepen its partnership with the United States in all domains.
Reduta Dobrego Imienia: BBC zakupiło oszczerczy film „Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter” – protestujemy!
…maili z naszego serwera prosimy także o wysyłanie maili indywidualnie ze skopiowaną treścią listu w języku angielskim na adres: [email protected] Jako temat wiadomości proszę podać “Protest against plans…
Czy UE potrafi postawić się Putinowi? Prof. Nowak: "Myślę, że przed nami nowe Monachium, którego ofiarą może paść Ukraina". NASZ WYWIAD
Warto zwrócić uwagę, że tzw. contingency plans , czyli co robić w przypadku, gdyby Rosja zaatakowała, w stosunku do krajów bałtyckich zaczęły być robione dopiero w 2010 r.