Papież Franciszek wspomina 40. rocznicę zamachu na św. Jana Pawła II. "Swoje ocalenie zawdzięczał Matce Bożej Fatimskiej"
Krzyczał wówczas po angielsku „I only, I only” (tylko ja, tylko ja), co miało być zapewnieniem, że działał sam. Potem pojawiły się hipotezy, że mógł jednak mieć wspólników.
From 10 May all adults will be able to register for vaccination
…Only 67 thousand units of the vaccine will arrive.
Prime Minister Morawiecki: We have the lowest unemployment in the EU and a good chance for dynamic economic growth this year
As he wrote, Poland will not only avoid recession, but will experience a sharp economic rebound. I think at least at the level of 4 percent of GDP — said Morawiecki.
President of Law and Justice party points out mistakes in vaccine negotiations: they behave as if they were children
The issue does not only concern Poland, but Europe as well — stated Jarosław Kaczyński. Tłum. K.J.
The government is introducing NEW RESTRICTIONS. When will they come into force? What is changing? What will Easter look like?
Childcare only for parents in the medical profession and for the police Sports From 27 March to 9 April, sport facilities restricted to professional sport only; closed e.g. tennis courts and climbing walls…
EXCLUSIVELY. Third wave of the pandemic. A doctor from the National Hospital: There are more young people who are in a serious condition
Each patient requires complex assistance - not only medication, but also food, taking to the toilet, bringing oxygen, and all this gets multiplied. Doctors as well.
President Obajtek: There have been many attempts to persuade us that capital has no nationality. But these were nothing but lies
He underlined that the company, which had been able to earn only 1.7 billion zlotys during 5 years of the PO-PSL government, earned 26 billion zlotys during 5 years of the Law and Justice ruling.
People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
Based on the documents of the Polish general command from the years 1919-1920 he came to the conclusion that during twenty months 206 877 Red Army soldiers were captured, out of which only 157 thousand…
What do Poles think of restrictions? Supporters of the status quo slightly outnumber those in favour of easing restrictions
Supporters of the status quo slightly outnumber those in favour of easing restrictions Only 21% of Poles approve of tighter pandemic restrictions.
90th anniversary of the revelations of St Faustina. Merciful Jesus image the most popular image of Christ in the world
It can be found in all countries inhabited by Catholics; not only in churches but in private homes and places of work.
The 11th National Accursed Soldiers Remembrance Day. "They were equally branded and doomed to oblivion"
The issue of „Accursed Soldiers” gained wider recognition only in the early 1990s, as a result of the dedicated exhibit prepared by the Republican League at the Warsaw University in 1993.
"The Church cannot remain silent". Centre for Religious Freedom Research at the UKSW has been established
Prosperity and consumerism have only further accelerated the process of de-Christianisation. (…) According to Austrian statistics - in 2030 Muslims will constitute the largest religious group in Vienna…
Andruszkiewicz: It is not anyone's intention to censor the media. We want media companies to start paying taxes honestly
We only want to discuss introducing a tax on revenues in the media and that is all.
Apart from the preservation of historical truth from manipulation, the security of the whole country, its citizens and residents are at stake here
For Poland it is a high-stakes game, because pushing lies about our history is only one of a multitude of measures used by Russia.
The Phenomenon of Polishness, an interview with Bolesław Orłowski
The Polish Biographical Dictionary describes all of his dramatic and poetic works, including a detailed discussion of plays that were staged only twice.
“Polish-Jewish Studies”, the latest periodical of the Institute of National Remembrance, presented at a press conference
…do more than continue publishing our monographs or organizing conferences on the issue: we decided to launch an academic journal … and even though it is a purely scientific enterprise, we invite not only…
The new issue of the weekly “Sieci”: The Polish elites. What is the reason for such a huge disgrace among influential celebrities, politicians and actors?
Journalists refer to the explanations that describe this incident as a promotional campaign: It is difficult to comprehend what kind of promotional action this is, that is kept secret and only mentioned…
Poles: political disputes are rare in our families. Check out the results of an interesting study by the Social Changes studio
It turns out that only a small proportion of Poles often or very often fight political disputes within their families.
Electional pork barrel for vegans only
He was winning in social media, so he lost in social media. What part you don’t understand? - writes Max Wysocki, managing editor of the wGospodarce.pl economic portal, and experienced social media marketer, in the newest issue of "Gazeta Bankowa" monthly magazine…
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
The European Parliament tried to circumvent this in an illegal manner, but Angela Merkel’s proposal for a decision was brilliant: she made it clear that there could only be a new mechanism if it is subordinated…