"Solidarity" on the map of the world. "This is what the world looked like in the summer of 1980"
Soviet shipments of weapons to the Third World rose from 400 million dollars in 1970 to nearly 1 billion dollars in 1980.
The German ambassador approved
This has evoked in Poland the memory of very cruel times for Poles - 6 million Polish citizens were killed and murdered during World War II. Tłum. K.J.
Solidary with Belarus’ plan – Poland to support the repressed
Our country will allocate PLN 50 million to fulfil the plan in its first year.
The Ministry of the Environment is declaring "war" against anyone who trash in the forest. The fine was increased from 500 PLN to 5 thousand PLN
The State Forests pay PLN 20 million a year to clean up waste illegally disposed in forest areas.
Warsaw court arrested a prominent PO politician Sławomir Nowak and Jacek P. They will spend 3 months behind bars
The former commander of „Grom”, Dariusz Z., can be released pending trial if he pays a million zloty bail. Nowak’s defender announces that he will file a complaint against the court decision.
The results from almost all the committees available. Andrzej Duda definitely winning the first round
Law and Justice (PiS) candidate will compete in the second round of the election with Rafał Trzaskowski , who achieved second place with 30.34% of the vote. (5 million 845 thousand 164 votes).
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Curtis L. Hancock: Neo-Marxism is exceedingly strong in the United States
These facts virtually go unreported, a phenomenon that reminds one of Stalin’s chilling remark that the death of one person is a tragedy, but the death of million is a statistic.
Witold Waszczykowski MEP: The struggle for freedom and independence has returned to Eastern Europe
Even before the war, Ukrainians were being systemically exterminated by the Russian Communist Regime, which utilized inhuman tactics resulting in the starving 7 of million Ukrainian people to death.
Helping the artists! Deputy Prime Minister Gliński: The "Kultura w sieci" (online culture) programme offers support in this difficult time
He explained that the sum allocated for the programme is PLN 20 million.
Prime Minister: We have prevented a record-breaking heroin trafficking operation
There was an attempt to smuggle 275 kilograms of heroin, worth around 60 million zlotys. A route for trafficking drugs from the Middle East and South America was also eliminated in the process.
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
First three and now four million migrants have arrived in Turkey.
Kołodziejski: Kidawa-Błońska's immigration twists and turns. Why does the PO candidate no longer want to invite refugees to Poland?
Turkey, where there are more than 3.6 million refugees today, received 6.6 billion dollars from the Union for blocking the border, and now that Turkish President Recep Erdoğan has decided to raise the…
Kuźmiuk: Polish bonds bear the lowest interest rate ever. "Record was set last Friday"
…macroeconomic data concerning the Polish economy and the condition of public finances that enabled the Minister of Finance to place on the Polish Treasury bond market in January a value of EUR 200 million…
Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
One of the crucial factors which influenced the relations between Moscow and Warsaw was the situation of about one million Poles who, after the Treaty of Riga was signed, remained beyond the eastern border7…
President Duda: Instrumental use of Auschwitz for any purpose is tantamount to desecration of the memory of the victims
SEE PICTURES (PAP/EPA): As he pointed out „the genocide perpetrated here by the functionaries of the Nazi Third Reich, claimed more than one million three hundred thousand human lives”.
ONLY IN POLAND during World War II... 17 differences between the German occupation in Poland and the German occupation in other countries
Only in Poland the Germans murdered more Poles (3 million) than Jews living in Poland (2.7 million). 10.
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
The record number of about 1.3 million people participated this year in the Three Kings’ processions in almost 900 towns and cities in Poland, including 90,000 people in Warsaw alone - these are rough…
"Richard Jewell". Eastwood znów opowiada o walce jednostki z systemem. RECENZJA
Nie jest „Richard Jewell” osiągnieciem na miarę „Snajpera” czy „Million dolar baby”. Nie jest też osobistą spowiedzią jak zeszłoroczny „Przemytnik”.
Business Council of Growing Europe established in Davos. "By joining our forces we can raise awareness about the dynamism and innovation"
…founded Prezi in Hungary—having started in the middle of an economic recession and taking on formidable competition with Microsoft, Apple and Google—we have grown our business globally to over 100 million…
Russian Ambassador to Poland summoned to the Foreign Ministry after Putin's words. "A strong objection to the historical insinuations has been made"
The effect of German aggression and extermination was nearly 6 million murdered Polish citizens, including 3 million Jews — added the department.