A briefing on the new IPN publication on the 80th anniversary of the first mass deportation of Poles deep into the USSR
How many Poles and non-Poles are left there! How many graves there are!…
The latest issue of the weekly "Sieci": They attack Poland because it is growing stronger. Will we survive?
Michał Karnowski describes the onslaught of criticism that hits our homeland and government from commercial media, opposition and left-wing propagandists.
The German publicist praises the freedom of the media in Poland:" You have a choice, you can get an opinion. It is no longer possible in Germany"
Whereas it is Poland where both left-wing and right-wing, conservative and liberal views can be heard - says German publicist and writer Boris Reitschuster in an interview with PAP.
Another witness is reporting a bribe to Grodzki: 7,000 zlotys for the operation. "He didn't even bat his eyelid"
After a while mom left the office. She had a tear in her eye. And she said to us: „You know, guys, he didn’t even bat his eyelid.
Law and Justice (PiS) firmly in the saddle, the competition does not catch up. CHECK OUT the latest Social Changes survey
The left is still close to the Civic Coalition. In our survey, the formation led by Jarosław Kaczyński received the support of 41% of respondents - exactly the same as in the previous round.
Premier żegna śp. Rogera Scrutona: Był swoistym bastionem wolnej myśli europejskiej, obrońcą tradycji i wielkim przyjacielem Polaków
Najważniejsze książki Scrutona to: „Co znaczy konserwatyzm” („The Meaning of Conservatism”, 1980), „Intelektualiści nowej lewicy” („Thinkers of the New Left”, 1985), „Pożądanie” („Sexual Desire: A Moral…
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
What is characteristic, much smaller, sometimes hardly noticeable demonstrations of left-wing circles gain great media coverage and importance; often making politicians of various factions tremble with…
Prezydent żegna śp. Rogera Scrutona: Wielki Przyjaciel Polaków i wolnej, suwerennej Polski, jeden z najważniejszych filozofów
Jego najważniejsze książki to: „Co znaczy konserwatyzm” („The Meaning of Conservatism”, 1980), „Intelektualiści nowej lewicy” („Thinkers of the New Left”, 1985), „Pożądanie” („Sexual Desire: A Moral Philosophy…
Nie żyje sir Roger Scruton! Wybitny brytyjski filozof toczył walkę z rakiem. "Przyjaciel Polski. Wielka strata"
Jego najważniejsze książki to: „Co znaczy konserwatyzm” („The Meaning of Conservatism”, 1980), „Intelektualiści nowej lewicy” („Thinkers of the New Left”, 1985), „Pożądanie” („Sexual Desire: A Moral Philosophy…
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. "President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately"
The last trains with supplies left the USSR and headed for Germany on 21 June 1941 – just one day before Nazi Germany attacked its ally.
The EP adopted a resolution condemning Poland! In fact people of all sexual orientations do not face any restrictions in Poland
The debate on this issue was organized in November at the request of the extreme left-wing GUE faction.
Andrzej Duda is far ahead of his rivals, Hołownia growing in strength but taking the votes away from the opposition candidates
Adrian Zandberg’s ratings dropped by 1 point - from 8 to 7 percent (it is still not clear who will be running for office from the Left). 4% of the respondents want to vote for Krzysztof Bosak, the most…
"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
Occupational Soviet garrisons left our country (as Russian troops) as late as in 1993. In 1938 along with Germany and Italy, France and Great Britain took part in the Munich conference.
Jacek Karnowski: Remarkable response from the British people to manipulation and tricks of the establishment [OPINION]
At the same time, however, when one saw what the left-liberal establishment was doing to stop Brexit, there was no doubt that the stakes were actually higher than membership in the Union.
This will be an interesting battle. Kidawa-Błońska and Jaśkowiak launch their primary campaign
According to the candidate’s media statements, he will present a left-wing agenda. Tłum. K.J.
EXCLUSIVE. Interview with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the weekly "Sieci": We have a plan how to keep winning
These are the sources of concern for human dignity and for ensuring that no one is exploited, disregarded or left alone.
Ryan Socash: Amerykanin, który został Polakiem. Zakochany w Polsce dziennikarz zrezygnował z amerykańskiego obywatelstwa
Polskie Radia, TVP, Wp.pl) ● Twórca kanału Kult America (ponad 14 mln. wyświetleń) ● Dyrektor Zarządzający MediaKraft Polska ● Doradca Zarządu telewizji Q Polska “Why I left America for Poland” na Kanale…
Poland and Hungary blocked draft conclusions on the so-called rule of law mechanism
Commission last autumn as a result of pressure from European parliamentarians from the two largest factions, Christian Democrats and Socialists, including those from Poland from the Platform and the Left…
This is our wreck. See unknown photos. "This is all that remains of the machine which crashed in Smolensk on 10 April 2010"
National Public Prosecutor’s Office to the Russians, we are demanding a great many other documents which should have been sent to Poland a long time ago – such as the plane elements (e.g. power units and left…
Andrzej Duda is a strong front-runner, but not without the second round. CHECK the results of the presidential survey
If Robert Biedroń was fighting for the votes of Poles on behalf of the left-wing parties, he would gain 9% of votes.