The European Parliament in Strasbourg adopted a resolution condemning discrimination and hate speech against LGBT people in the European Union, as well as „LGBT free zones” in Poland. In fact, this is about local government resolutions that oppose LGBT ideology and promotion. People of all sexual orientations do not face any restrictions.
The debate on this issue was organized in November at the request of the extreme left-wing GUE faction. It was then that Robert Biedroń (a Polish left-wing politician and declared gay) stated that there are restaurants, hotels and shops in Poland which homosexuals are not allowed to enter.
This is not true.
MEP Patryk Jaki stressed that MEPs believed in the Biedroń’s stories.
The EP has just adopted resolutions condemning Poland. They believed in the stories of the opposition and R. Biedroń that minorities in our country cannot enter „hotels, restaurants, shops”. I ask everyone to answer the question if this is the true image of our country?
— wrote Patrick Jaki on Twitter.
Tłum. K.J.
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