Law and Justice President: Germany is adopting a racist attitude towards Poles. They have not changed in relations with Poland, and Tusk fits into the picture
And Donald Tusk fits into the picture. This is both extremely harmful and shameful.
NASZ WYWIAD. Prezes PKO BP: Przeszliśmy etap szoku i wiemy, co robić. Będzie trudniej, ale przejdziemy przez ten kryzys
Jestem przeciwnikiem formuły one size fits all, czyli dopasowania tej samej reakcji do wszystkich wyzwań.
Marcinkiewicz strikes at Isabel: She behaves like a stalker. Even if I fall behind on the payments, I have been feeding her for the last 10 years
I read some texts about stalkers and everything fits perfectly, unfortunately. There are many of them in the world. But having to face such a problem for four years and without a break?…