Another five people died. There are some new cases of the infection; a total figure of 3834. 84 people are dead and 134 recovered
The Ministry of Health informed on Sunday morning that the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Poland increased to 3834 after 207 new cases were confirmed.
2554 cases of coronavirus infection in Poland. 43 people are dead. The army also fights the epidemic
Nearly 5.4 thousand soldiers, who support the Border Guard, help the elderly and those under quarantine.
The number of people who have been confirmed with coronavirus has exceeded 300. There are 18 new cases
Since the coronavirus infection was detected in another 18 people, the number of confirmed cases in Poland increased to 305, according to the Ministry of Health on Thursday.
Ministry of Health: We already have 58 cases in Poland. The first victim of the coronavirus died
We have 3 new cases of coronavirus infection, confirmed by positive laboratory tests — reported the Ministry of Health.
President Andrzej Duda: Nobody knows what will happen on May 10. I hope that it will be possible to conduct these elections without any problems
Looking at the level of the infected cases in our country, these measures worked — he said. Looking at Italy and Spain, it’s terrifying. (…) Minister Szumowski was absolutely right. (…) — he added.
Already 16 cases of coronavirus infection in Poland. One patient in Kraków, three new cases in Racibórz
Three more cases in Racibórz On Sunday, two people with confirmed infection were hospitalized in the facility - a woman and a man.
OUR INTERVIEW. Virusologist: We have no choice but to do what we have to do. The focus has shifted
There will still be cases of disease for a long time to come, but this is already a downward trend and one can safely say that China can declare the end of the epidemic.
The government is closing educational institutions and universities. Cinemas, theatres and museums are closed as well
Also in Germany and France there are over 1500 cases of coronavirus. This means that the coronavirus has spread to the entire territory of these countries.
President Duda: "I have decided not to organize large meetings in relation to my campaign"
Unfortunately, there are still more cases (…) of the coronavirus today — said the president. He added that it is very likely that there will be many more sick people.
Coronavirus in Poland. The condition of the patient from Zielona Góra is good. Gorzów suspended city events
READ MORE: Already 16 cases of coronavirus infection in Poland. One patient in Kraków, three new cases in Racibórz President of Gorzow Wlkp.
Skandaliczne słowa francuskiej dziennikarki: Nie będziemy ryzykować kryzysu gospodarczego, by uratować kilka tuzinów ludzi
A najstraszniejsze, że mamy rację” - powiedziała szefowa miesięcznika „Causeur” Elisabeth Levy.
Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
In the majority of cases soldiers and officers did not oppose it. Privates were separated from officers who were transported to Kozelsk and Starobelsk.
Prime Minister: We are eliminating the possibility of emergence and spread of the coronavirus in Poland
We have not recorded any cases of coronavirus in Poland — said the Prime Minister. Polish services are very well-prepared for its emergence in Poland — he added.
Francuskie media alarmują: Służby publiczne masowo infiltrowane przez islamistów. Organy państwa niemalże bezsilne
Pracujący w służbach informacyjnych paryskiej prefektury Mickael Harpon, który w październiku 2019 roku zabił nożem czterech policjantów, już w 2015 roku wyrażał radość z zabicia redaktorów tygodnika „Charlie…
200 mln euro! Tyle kosztowały Belgów wojskowe patrole w miastach. Kwota obejmuje jednak tylko wynagrodzenie żołnierzy
Pierwotnym powodem uruchomienia operacji był atak w Paryżu w 2015 roku na redakcję satyrycznego tygodnika „Charlie Hebdo”, a następnie likwidacja islamskiej komórki terrorystycznej w Verviers, podczas…
His death was terrible, but his life was far from "holy". So what is the reason for the pressure to "canonize" Paweł Adamowicz? LET US RECALL THE FACTS
Is he to be almost canonised and will we issue a ban on mentioning the investigations that were carried out in his cases?…
Zakaz noszenia broni w Oświęcimiu i Brzezince. MSWiA: Celem jest zwiększenie poziomu bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego
Oprócz najniższych ALFA i BRAVO, istnieją także CHARLIE i DELTA. Wprowadza się je w razie zagrożenia zdarzeniem o charakterze terrorystycznym lub w sytuacji, gdy dojdzie do takiego zdarzenia.
Terror w Berlinie. Strzały przy Checkpoint Charlie
Policjanci, uzbrojeni w długą broń, otoczyli okolicę i szukają napastnika.
Francja płonie! Coraz więcej aktów przemocy na ulicach. Protestujący odcięli prąd, ministrowie otrzymują w listach pogróżki
…„We Francji coraz częstsze od kilku miesięcy incydenty powodują, że demokracja jest zagrożona” – pisał w środę na stronie internetowej miesięcznika „Causeur” Aurelien Marq.
Napad na kawiarnię i strzały nieopodal Checkpoint Charlie w Berlinie? Policja: Nie ma śladów użycia broni palnej
Berlińska policja nie znalazła dowodów użycia broni palnej w kawiarni Starbucks przy popularnym wśród turystów dawnym przejściu granicznym Checkpoint Charlie.