Report from Auschwitz - special film screening for the media. "Poles informed all Allies about the situation in extermination camps in occupied Poland"
The production presents previously unknown documents proving that from 1941 to the end of the war Poles informed all Allies about the situation in extermination camps in occupied Poland.
Więźniowie stanu wojennego piszą do liderów unijnych instytucji: Wyrażamy oburzenie z powodu obojętności na sytuację we Francji
We cannot be silent about what’s happening in France, and we demand a reaction from Mr.
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
The record number of about 1.3 million people participated this year in the Three Kings’ processions in almost 900 towns and cities in Poland, including 90,000 people in Warsaw alone - these are rough…
Another witness is reporting a bribe to Grodzki: 7,000 zlotys for the operation. "He didn't even bat his eyelid"
It was then that he was informed about the unofficially binding tariff. The man indicates that Prof. Grodzki’s participation in the operation had to be paid for.
President Duda: Instrumental use of Auschwitz for any purpose is tantamount to desecration of the memory of the victims
…extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, the President emphasized that Poles „came to the aid of the murdered Jews, putting at risk their own lives, and were the first ones to reveal to the world the truth about…
His death was terrible, but his life was far from "holy". So what is the reason for the pressure to "canonize" Paweł Adamowicz? LET US RECALL THE FACTS
The second thing is how now, after a year, we talk about this death and its reasons.
The German publicist praises the freedom of the media in Poland:" You have a choice, you can get an opinion. It is no longer possible in Germany"
He notes that a long time ago it was the German media that wrote about the problems of Poland, which were not allowed to be mentioned by the Vistula.
Wildstein recalls Roger Scruton: He played a remarkable role. He understood philosophy, as it should be understood
When he was removed from the government institution at their insistence, one of the trade union leaders said: „It’s so good that a man talking about nonsense like beauty has finally been removed from office…
In Davos Poland forcefully joined the European debate
He added: If anyone enquires about the most important features of Central and Eastern Europe, I answer: dynamism, well-educated people and increasingly improving infrastructure.
Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. "President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately"
Unfortunately, the more time passes since these tragic events, the less our children and grandchildren know about them.
Prime Minister: Our country excels at reconciling social goals with development goals
Mateusz Morawiecki also addressed the situation in the Middle East by expressing his hope that the tensions would be defused and informing about his meeting with President Andrzej Duda, taking place on…
Polish MEPs: The justice system has not been reformed. A communist relic in a democratic state
All Poles in this room know about it, including the judges who were invited — she said.
"No documents showing the scale of Soviet repression were published there"
There are no documents about the backstage of Soviet policy at the time when Stalin stopped the front and gave Germany the opportunity to suppress the Warsaw Rising and - over the following months - to…
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland has condemned Putin's lies in a resolution! "The greatness of nations and relations between states cannot be built on lies and historical falsehoods"
He also spoke about Poland’s use of the agreement with Munich to implement territorial claims concerning Zaolzie.
The government does not intend to cower before the Venice Commission. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It has lost its authority; it has taken rash, political decisions
The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked on Thursday in TVN24 about the visit of the Venice Commission, which is staying in Poland at the invitation of the Speaker of the Senate Tomasz Grodzki…
Yad Vashem: The President of Poland will not speak in Jerusalem. Magierowski: Andrzej Duda's speech has been a condition for months
To dispel any doubts: both @yadvashem and the Israeli authorities have known about the conditions of President @AndrzejDuda’s participation in the 23.01 ceremony for at least four months — wrote the Polish…
Bronisław Wildstein: Putin's goal is to rob Poland of its credibility
Belarus has failed; the European Union has once again extended the sanctions imposed for the illegal annexation of the Crimea, and talks in the so-called ‘Normandy format’ have not only failed to bring about…
Ta mała książeczka pokazuje wszystkie frustracje liberałów i lewicy. Dziecięca seria na froncie walki z bogeymanem
Konkretnie na pozycję z serii „A Ladybyrd book about…”.
Ambassador Knot: "As Poles defended their country… Soviet forces attacked from the East"
…„President Putin has lied about Poland on numerous occasions, and he has always done it deliberately” gim…
This stamp (issued by Polish Post) reminds us about a cruel German crime against Polish intelligentsia in Piaśnica
This stamp, just issued by Polish Post, reminds us about a cruel German crime against Polish intelligentsia in Piaśnica gim…